Still having cramps...


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2017
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Hey all,

Had my BFP on 25th March but then lost the pregnancy at approx. 5-6 weeks based on the fact we only did the BD once that month (not 100% sure as I started bleeding the day before my first docs appointment to confirm). I had heavy bleeding including large blood clots the size of my hand and extreme cramps which felt what I would assume contractions would feel like (I nearly went to A&E but it passed after a few hours). The bleeding continued until a couple of days ago. I haven't bled properly for two days now aside from a spot of blood here and there.
We did the BD last night as we felt ready and I hadn't seen any blood but today I have cramps again and a couple of spots which were very light pink. Is this normal? How long are these cramps going to last? It feels like my period is going to come but that seems too early surely. Sorry, I would go to the doctor but she said she wouldn't see me unless I had a positive pregnancy test or the bleeding didn't stop. How long did everyone else's cramps last? Is there any point TTC yet if I have cramping on and off? So many questions! :wall2:
Oh you poor thing. Your doctor sounds mean!! How long have you been bleeding for? If it's been a long time (like two weeks) I'd be heading back to the doc. It's normal for bleeding to start and stop, as the blood sometimes takes a while to move down. Sex causes your uterus to contract, so that would explain why you spotted again. I don't know why you're still cramping. It could be your body trying to get the last of the blood out, it could just be because your hormones are all over the place, OR it could possibly be ovulation cramps.

You probably won't ovulate until the bleeding has fully stopped and the HCG is totally out of your body, but you never know! I'd be trying just in case ;)

Take care of yourself xx
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Thank you! Yeah, she was a bit harsh I felt. She said, "your pregnancy probably wasn't viable which is why you lost so early... anyway there isn't anything I can do so don't bother coming in" and basically I had to test myself until negative result and only come in if I suspect infection or very heavy bleeding continues.
The bleeding has been in total about 9-10 days but the last two days have been light/non-existent bleeding, as in a drop here and there of very light pink and mostly nothing.
We just wanted to be close and so did the BD but today I have just having period like cramps. I've just had enough, I want us to move on and TTC now. So frustrating.
Just an update that everything has stopped as suddenly as it started so we are TTC now. Seems like the whole thing start to finish was just under 2 weeks but my body has bounced back and feels like it did before.
I mean, she's right that they can't do anything if you're going to lose it, but bedside manner is pretty important when dealing with this sort of thing! Just saying that they're there for you and being open to talk makes so much difference. Doctors are so quick to shuffle women along when it comes to anything to do with our reproductive organs :/

I'm glad you're feeling better. Some women are extra fertile after a loss so hopefully this month is it for you! x
I'm glad you're feeling better. Some women are extra fertile after a loss so hopefully this month is it for you! x

Me too! Although I bought OTK today and it looks like not ovulating yet now. If I counted day 1 of mc as CD1 it would be CD14/CD15 now which would normally be ovulation time. So who knows what's going on down there at the moment.
I was told that I need to wait for a period before TTC again. Had 2 weeks of bleeding and they said to expect a period 3 weeks after. I think there is a danger of infection if you TTC before the next period. I found it odd as I had a very thorough miscarriage by the sound of it.

Your doctor sounds horrible.
There shouldn't be a risk of infection once the bleeding stops and hcg is zero as the cervix should close and all blood etc has been expelled. Waiting a month is purely for the purpose of dating the pregnancy. I feel back to normal now I just can't seem to figure out when ovulation is going to occur. My otk is very light pink right now.

Due to the timings you were given maybe I should expect ovulation in another week or so.

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