Still don't feel much movement...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Exactly as it says on the tin, well title.
At my 20week scan I was told I had an anterior placenta and thats why I wouldn't feel much of LO's movements yet. But then I think I started to feel like the flutters but may not have been around 22weeks, but lately I've not felt a sausage again. Is this normal. I know baby is still small and could be facing my back or whatever, but just worries me that I don't feel anything.
I've used my doppler and can hear the little thumping heartbeat but why no kicks??!!!
Hey Hun, I dont have the same placenta as you but i felt no movement till 21 weeks with no reason, suddenely can feel her but know how worried it makes you if you cant feel the movements. I know there are a couple of ladies on here with an anterior placenta who can probably offer more comfort to you then I can Im sure you will feel them soon enough thouugh xxxx
maybe your baby is lying with its back against your tummy and so when it kicks, its kicking right into towards your back. and you wont be able to feel any wriggles cos of your placenta.....

maybe its only lively when you are asleep......or maybe you're going to be lucky and have a very sleepy baby :) xx
I'm 24 weeks also have an anterior placenta I didn't feel anything until 20 weeks not even a flutter now some days I can feel really strong kicks well above my belly button and other days nothing......I think that's when he is resting or is turned the other way. A friend of mine has 5 children and says she never felt any of hers move until 25 weeks not even flutters so I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure your buba will be making his or her self felt soon enough !
I really hope so. Like I said I think I started to feel some flutters but haven't felt anything else since. Obviously LO is lying weird for me to not feel them.
Thanks though ladies. x
i only feel stomach lurches with mine, no distinct kicks or anything and only just started feeling this. never really had flutters or the small movement feelings lol. damn anterior placentas huh
Bev your right, they are stupid!!

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