Still births?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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Whats the percentage of having a still birth?
I was just thinking about it, and Im really scared of that happening to me.
Just wondering if theres a high risk or anything.
I had been worried about this and my midwife said the risk is 1 in 200
Thats not too bad.
I still thought it would be soemthing like 1 in 1000 or soemthing though.
When my risk of down syndrome came back as 1 in 223 they classed that as high risk and i thought to myself i have more chance of having a still born than a downs baby.
The statistic of 1/200 includes all fetal death after 20weeks. Try not to worry too much (easier said than done i know!) :hug:
Stay healthy, eat well, dont smoke or drink and try to stay calm (high blood pressure has also been associated).
Try to enjoy your pregnancy!!
I know I think about this too, im petrified of this happening to me to as I have heard of a couple of people I know that it has happened to within the last year. Very sad, but have to keep positive that all will be ok with our bubbas :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Even thinking about that breaks my heart! The way I see it is people have healthy babies all the time so i have every chance of having a healthy baby too. Even those who smoke,drink and take drugs have healthy babies.
Jayden was classed as a stillbirth. He had spina bifida though so being so early and having abnormalities, his lungs weren't strong enough.

I don't know what I would do if I had a stillbirth again..... I wish this pregnancy would hurry up and be done so I can relax!
Jaidy said:
I know I think about this too, im petrified of this happening to me to as I have heard of a couple of people I know that it has happened to within the last year. Very sad, but have to keep positive that all will be ok with our bubbas :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Me too. My best friend was pregnant at the same time as I was with Amber, she was due 4 months after me, and she very sadly had a still-birth 3 days before her due date. It always makes me worry that if it could happen to her, it could happen to me. I'm petrified of it happening too, but all you can do is take the best care of yourself that you possibly can; eat well, if you smoke, the stop, and generally don't overdo things. :hug:
u know people go on about once i get passed the 12 week scan, but if i have learnt one thing from being on this forum for 2 and a half yrs is that i dont think u can ever stop worrying till ur lo is in ur arms, but then a whole new world of fears comes into place....i just think thats life and we are going to worry about everything the key to try and not let it effect u too much other wise u would never leave the house!!! I guess thats why its important to keep a eye on those kicks etc u will get to know the pattern of ur baby moving so always keep a eye on that...

Try not to worry girl but as this is my 3rd I only know too well how hard it is!!!

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