Sticky out belly-buttons


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hi third tri ladies :wave:

Just wondering how many of you have had your belly button stick out and when it happened?

I am slightly scared! :shock: I hate my belly button, just thinking about it for any length of time makes me quezy and I think if mine did pop right out and I could feel things brushing against it it will really freak me out!!

:talkhand: Eeek!

mine did around wk 30 which was a real problem as i have a real problem with outies i h8them and make me feel sick its now an inny again though
The idea of it freaked me out at about your stage, but when it happened gradually from about 20wks on It didn't bother me at all- it didn't happen overnight it just got flat and now it pokes out no matter what I do :D
I know what you mean but to be honest by the time it happens you kind of start worrying about even scarier stuff like giving birth...mother nature obviously has a plan :rotfl:
jocymum said:
The idea of it freaked me out at about your stage, but when it happened gradually from about 20wks on It didn't bother me at all- it didn't happen overnight it just got flat and now it pokes out now matter what I do :D
I know what you mean but to be honest by the time it happens you kind of start worrying about even scarier stuff like giving birth...mother nature obviously has a plan :rotfl:

Ok thanks you ahve put my mind at rest! I love it how we all worry about the same things at the same time! I realise that I am going to have to get a grip! For some (very strange and I;m soon it will change!!!) reason I;m not scared of giving birth! More of recovering after!! Stupid I know and I expect when the branny hicks start I will be peeing my pants!!! :rotfl:
Alfiesmummy said:
mine did around wk 30 which was a real problem as i have a real problem with outies i h8them and make me feel sick its now an inny again though

Did yours make you feel sick! I suppose you just forget about it! My OH has been threatening to flick it! Nooooooooooo :pray:
mine poked out then went flat.
But the belly button skin is softer,
and more sensitive than surrounding
area and my DD (aged 8 ) likes to prod at it
makes me cringe :puke: eugh.
But as jocy says its just a little thing.
I think flickin it would be considered a legitmate reason for murder :twisted:
mines is still very much an inny belly button (see my avatar) that photo was taken at about 27 weeks and it hasn't changed since then, so don't think i'll have an outie (i think they are quite freaky and so does OH!). :D
I haven't got an 'outey' yet either - its getting more & more shallow by the day tho!! :shock:
mine is still as per normal..... do you think it might stay like this .... mind I guess I still have time
Mine has flattened but aint poked out yet!! Mine was a very deep belly button though!! I was scared of mine poking out because before, when I poked it it made me need a wee!! Wierd I know!! Dunno how I found that out!! luckily it doesnt anymore!!!
Mine never went outtie, still innie now and was quite deep.

I always wanted an outtie, I think they make you look properly pregnant if that makes sense?!!
jocymum said:
I think flickin it would be considered a legitmate reason for murder :twisted:

ian used to poke mine and it felt so horrible i kept telling him to stop and then the day after my due date he poked it and it was irritating already without him doing it after i was due so i actually beat him so hard with the remote control, he was cowereing in a little ball as i was hitting him with every word saying "HOW - MANY - TIMES - DO - I - HAVE -TO - TELL -YOU - LEAVE - MY - BELLY - BUTTON - ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah mines still an inny as well, don't think it will go to an outie unless i really balloon in the next 6 weeks.
mines flat now, and sticks out when baby moves, bethany thinks the baby is poking it with his fingers :rotfl:
Mine is on its way out, I had never seen the bottom of my belly button until about 4 weeks ago, it is pretty shallow now, and I think it will be flat in a matter of weeks......think its inevitable that mine will be an outie before this journey is over...................

........its freaking me out a bit :shock:
rusks said:
yeah mines still an inny as well, don't think it will go to an outie unless i really balloon in the next 6 weeks.
hehe im the same
Mine popped out with DD but so far its gone a bit shallower but still an innie with this one. OH said thats because Ive got a layer of fat behind it. NOT a wise thing to say :twisted:
Before I got pregnant my belly button was so deep I could just under an inch of my little finger in it. Now though it is an outie through and through, although it does depend on the position I'm in.

If I'm in the bath it pokes out completely

Sat upright, semi pokes out

Stood up, just flat - very weird!!!!

I thoguht mine would come out by now a it is very shallow, and has been for a while. It doesn't look like it's coming out any time soon and I only have four weeks to go.

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