Sticky eye


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Brody has had a sticky eye for over a week now...I have been bathing it (one wipe with cotton wool dipped in cool boiled water then a fresh piece of cotton wool etc etc) but it still hasn't cleared.
My HV says not to worry and to just keep bathing it as I am doing, and it may be a blocked tear duct. She says if it was an infection the white of his eye would become red.
I'm not convinced....I want to get drops for it, but at the same time I feel like I've bothered my GP enough in the last month or so....does anyone know if you can get over-the-counter drops for them?
Hi Urchin, I haven't heard of any over the counter remedies but one thing I have been told to do it use expressed breastmilk? Apparently it is really meant to help clear up any infectiopn. Whether this is an old wives tale I have no clue but it might be a suggestion. Hope Brody's eyes clear up soon x
you could do infusion of camimille and wash the eye with that once it has cooled down.
Maheen has been having sticky eyes since she was born, and same thing, I am more concerned than any medical staff seems to be!!
I wash it every 4 hours and when I use camomille, i don't need to do it so often.

Hope this might help,
Mel xx
That's a good idea.
I asked in the pharmacy at boots today and they said there is nothing you can get without a prescription. I think I'll book him in on Monday cos he keeps rubbing it so it's obviously bothering him.
Hi Urchin

My HV said to do what Beanie mentioned when the milk is spraying out of your nipple to aim it at their eye! I've done this a couple of times my accident! :?

Hope it clears soon


Isaac had a sticky eye that wouldnt shift and I did the cotton wool cool boiled water one wipe malarky but you know what eventually cleared it up....I used an ear bud dipped in cool boiled water and rolled the gunge from the corner of his eye inwards towards his nose. I found that by wiping the length of his eye I was spreading the infection into his eye from the duct each time I cleaned it. So obviously by doing it the other way the infection was wiped away from the rest of his eye. You get the idea :)

Might be diferent for your bubbys eye but worked for Isaac.

Urchin -

when we had sore eyes as kids my mom used to pour some freshly made tea into a saucer (no milk), let it cool and bathe our eyes in it. It works a treat. I don't think it would do the baby's eyes any harm as it has been boiled...and it's really soothing. Do your own eyes first and you'll see what I mean.


been to the docs today and she told me it is definitley an infection cos the gunk is yellow, a blocked tear duct and it would be clear apparently.

If my health visitor had told me this I'd have gone more than a week ago


Got some drops anyway so he'l soon be sorted :)
Glad i read this post! Aimee has had a sticky eye for 2 weeks but i thought the same that her eye would be red if it was infected. She has had 2 infection since she was born but this one hasn't been as bad so i thought maybe it was a viral thing cos she has had a cold. It just won't clear and i have been bathing it everyday. Its all green anf sticky when she gets up in the morning and she has started rubbing it a lot. I'll definatly get her to GP tomorrow! I feel so mean for not taking her before.
kwain said:
Glad i read this post! Aimee has had a sticky eye for 2 weeks but i thought the same that her eye would be red if it was infected. She has had 2 infection since she was born but this one hasn't been as bad so i thought maybe it was a viral thing cos she has had a cold. It just won't clear and i have been bathing it everyday. Its all green anf sticky when she gets up in the morning and she has started rubbing it a lot. I'll definatly get her to GP tomorrow! I feel so mean for not taking her before.

glad to hear my thread has helped someone!

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