
Awwwwwwwww Melhoney our babies are exactly the same age!

Dont worry about asking about the bleeding. To be honest I was always a bit embarrased about ladies things till I got pg - its true what people say that you lose all dignity after you've given birth!!!!!!
But anyhow yes I am - like you not much at all but I still wear a pad with my couple of drops of tea tree oil!!!

I feel my head is ready for a sex life but my body isnt! :roll: Poor D/H we havent done it since August he must be getting well fed up........
bless him though he never says anything even though we talk a lot and I have told him that I feel bad about it but he says he honnestly doesnt mind and that he knows why.

Apart from sex life!! How you finding life with a new baby? I tried to start a bit of a routine (gina ford) but it just ended up with me and D/H arguing cos he thinks its too strict (which I agree up to a point, but I think somethings are a good idea) but the problem is she eats, sleeps etc and one part of the routine is to keep her up for an hour and a half and theres no way she will stay awake for that long. Then last night she just cried all night no matter what we tried - so of course that puts you out of sync for the routine as she woke up at 9.00am this morning and not 7.00am like they say. I find its impossible to stick to with a newborn.

Its strange - her morning naps go very well - its bottle and bed till the late afternoon when it all seems to go pearshaped. For example its 3.30pm just fed her about 30 minutes ago and she wont settle and it will be like this now all evening and night - then she will catch up on lots of lovely sleep tommorow morning whilst me and D/H walk round like zombies!!!!

Are you doing any routine?

L x
Not only our babies share the same age, but they seem to sahre the same kind of routine, then! :wink:

I have read the gina ford routine thing, but more for getting info than following it to the book.
I am evry much for a routine though, but one which fits which our life: 7:00 am is no good for us, because OH wakes up at 5:15 and leaves for work an hour later, and comes back same time in evening, and he would never get a chance to see her awake if I was to follow gina ford's routine.
So for us, it varies, still between 6 to 7 feeds a day, depnding on how much wind she will have to fight! poor thing, she s struggling soooooooooo much whith gas at the moment! we have even started giving her fennel tea, as this is supposed to help! (I am not breastfeeding...never got any milk! :cry: )

anyway, even though the routine starts ti kick in I think, she is sleeps so much better during the day, and esp in the late morning and afternoon!
When she has no gas (happens less and less at the mo!) I try to keep her awake for at least half an hour and play with her and talk to her: I found out she loves visiting the house!!!! :lol:
so we go throuh every single room in the house and I go through stories for each of the room :D I know, I am a bit crazy at times! :D

Apart from the gas, I think he would do brilliantly with the routine, so if that's what you want, lisa, then go for it! Maybe your husband is right in the sense that it has to make your life easy, and not harder, ...even if it does make it harder at the beginning! :wink:

Otherwise, I am just like you...ready in the mind...but not in my body! and my husband has been deprived of us for as long as you, really! :oops: but he told me he will wait for me to be COMPLETELY fine again...I think he is a little bit worried as well, to be honest...coz obviously he does not know how it feels down there and that is difficult to imagine, so...we will see, we won't hurry too much!..BUT I MISS HIM!!!!!!! :)

take care,
Mel xx
Hi Melhoney

Sorry not replied for a while. I'm not getting on very well with the Gina Ford thing (the bloody thing has been thrown across my living room more than once last and this week!) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I just dont know what to do for the best. I really want to get a routine going, but I have conflicting advice - some say its too early, yet friends of mine who have kids and have all done a routine of some kind say its the best thing they ever did, and that it is hard to do to
begin with as you feel cruel but its worth it in the end as they got their evenings back and were able to spend quality time with their partners etc.

Like you, I find heidi sleeps so well in the morning but when it comes to late afternoon / evening the tears begin. She is a very sicky baby so I dont know if she has bad wind? I feel so sorry for her when she is scrunching herslf up - did the fennel tea work for you?

Hope you are getting on better than me - I feel like Im not much of a mum :(

L x
Hi asked about me being sore still after all this time and just wanted to tell you that my sister had her son 9 years ago and is still sore and the same with my sister in law who had my godson 4 years ago!

Apparently it still stings them to go a wee!

looks like its something that can affect some people permanently.

Lou :)
Oh my god I hope that doenst happen to us?????!!!!!

L x
Yeah me too!!!

I think it happens when you are stitched a bit tightly. My stitches feel slightly bumpy and tight. It must be quite hard for the doctor to stitch that area because the skin is so elastic. I had a mole removed from my back and it was stitched too tight and now its puckered and it itches.

omg I dont want to think about it any more lol

Lou :)
To be honest I cant really feel anything - when I have had a feel (sounds awful doesnt it!! :oops: - the surface feels a bit 'shiny / smooth' -like new skin growing I suppose! - it doesnt feel like I could do 'cuddles' though at all - in fact I think I will be very wary when the time comes - so that should be a barrel of laughs! NOT!

L x
What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I don't want to sit like I am on my gymball all my life!!!! :?
Hope they did a good job, I would like to get to normal again!

Lisa, I completely sympathise with you, I feel the same as you, and Maheen already knows how to look at me and make me feel guilty!!! :cry: But I won't stop now!
Last night I felt was a success: Maheen went to sleep at 9:30 and slept through till 01:30...actually, I had to wake her up! and then after 45 min feeding and changing, she went back to sleep till 5:30 and then again till 9:30!!! for me, it is a success anyway! Managed to sleep nearly properly! :D
But then, she took her revenge, she did not sleep a single minute till 2:00 pm,and needed my FULL attention all the time...not to mention the crying!! :evil: Anyway, she had a good 3 hours sleep afterwards, and now she is being moody, which suits me well, as I prefer to cry now than during the night!

Lisa, don't give up! my husband as well is more of a marshmallow than me, he always wants to pick her up, but I manage to stop him 40 % of the time (not bad! :) ) and I am convinced it WILL pay off. Just keep going!! But like I said, it might be better for you to make your own routine, around your own life! you know what suits you best! Gina Ford does not! But she has good advice to give, though!

Fennel tea works well, I think, but I am going to give it a break, coz Maheen has started to have a bit liquidish bowel movements, and it's probably because of that! And she has been on Infacol for 6 days now, so this should start to wok now. But I will definitely give her some more if she struggles gain, but I have felt some big improvements since I gave her the fennel tea (twice a day!)

right now, my husband is taking Maheen for a walk across the house!!! to make her wait 15 min till her next feed :lol: :lol: :lol:

ROUTINE IS HARD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :cry:

take care,
mel xx
Sounds like you had a good night last night!! I always like to hear a success story!! Last night was crap for us but today has been great. I woke her up at 7.00am - even though I knew she could sleep longer - and gave her her feed, then popped her back for a nap - I too then went for a sleep which has helped enourmously - I must make myself do it everyday. I normally try to get all the other household stuff done, but I feel loads better for actaully sleeping when she does.

And tonight did bath, bottle and bed - she was sick loads and I've heard this can be sign of wind / colic so Im going to try some infacol tommorow- will get some tommorow - but she went straight down at 7.00!!!! excellent - well worth the effort !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you know what I'm most looking foward to!?- a nights sleep - I just cant imagine what that feels like any more - cant ever imagine it happening!

L x

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