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Dry skin


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi all,

This is nothing serious atall.. Ollie has a bit of a dry scalp and a bit of a dry face. Should i just leave it or should i put some Olive oil on him? Im not using any bath products just water.

Infact thats another question.. Do you use bath products? I have so many yet too scared to use them. They are Johnsons but ive heard bad things about them. Is the baby oil the same as if i used Olive oil?

Claire x
nori said:
Hi all,

This is nothing serious atall.. Ollie has a bit of a dry scalp and a bit of a dry face. Should i just leave it or should i put some Olive oil on him? Im not using any bath products just water.

Infact thats another question.. Do you use bath products? I have so many yet too scared to use them. They are Johnsons but ive heard bad things about them. Is the baby oil the same as if i used Olive oil?

Claire x

We didn't use any bath products with Connie until she was 2 months old (like Ollie now is!). We use baby oil (Johnsons) if she gets Cradle Crap or other dry skin - but she has special cream for her eczema on her face called Umguentum or something.

We've found bath products make no difference to her skin at all so we use them. We originally used the white one (moisturising) but now we use all three and we buy loads of them when they're on offer at Boots £1 each bargain! I never use soap on Flod though and I only shampoo her "hair" (fluff) every week or so.
Josh has dry skin and I've found olive oil to be the best. I've got the Johnstons oil with camomile and one with aloe vera but I find they tend to sit on his skin more, the only benefit over the olive oil is that they leave him smelling nice so I do use them occasionally. I also don't use and products in his bath water and won't until he's at least six weeks old, this was what was recommended to me by the midwives.
Our HV visitor noticed Islas and accused me of bathing her too much :evil: , I told her she had a once weekly bath, and top to tails daily but using no product. She prescribed her some Cetraben emollient cream, which worked really well (it wasnt severe dry skin, just a little on her tummy and face).
We now use Johnson bedtime bath at night and her skin is fine now, so that doesnt bother her, I dont know what caused it :think:
Charlie has a bath every day in the mothercare baby bath and a hair wash too, then baby oil on her body and this is probably all wrong but have found the Avent cleanser works best on her dry eyebrows :oops: . I don't really do anything for the cradle cap as I thought they all got it. My HV said dry skin was just a phase and so far he seems to be right.

Oh and the colic stopped bang on at 12 wks so not long for you now hun :hug:
i dont use any soapy products in the bath, apart from baby conditioner on the hair, or she'd have dreads!

Aqueous cream is brilliant stuff a huge tub is about a fiver from boots and its perfectly safe for babies skin, you can even use it to wash with
I used dentinox cradle cap shampoo on ds1 when he had cradle cap, and it disappeared after literally two applications! Really good stuff.

I've been using Johnsons baby bath (blue bottle) on ds2 for a few weeks, ever since his dry skin cleared up. The baby lotion after he has a bath.
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I use an organic goat milk soap my mother sent me once in a while on his hands when he is in the bath (and sometimes on his head) and I put a cup or two of chamomile tea in his bath. The tea works wonders for any hint of dry skin normally, but he has a patch of something else (it almost looks like an allergic reaction) that isn't going away easily. I also found that Kamillosan fixed everything. When he was your baby's age I didn't use anything but he tea in the bath, but if there was a patch of potentially irritated skin I would use a tiny bit of Kamillosan or Welleda, which I also love.
i use johnsons shampoo (just a tiny drop) ans top to toe wash - not really suffered from dry skin apart from the creases on his feet when we left hospital
I have bathed Theo since the day he was born, i used to us johnsons but H.V told me to stop using it has it is purfumed. and every since i have used Method Baby (from boots) its all "green" and is make with marshmellows and rice milk and smells GORGEOUS! very yummy indeed.
we also use the Body Shops "hemp body butter" on theo if he ever does have dry skin
We use a few different things on Molly. I have some Johnsons moisuriser and some next organic baby moisturiser. I prefer the Johnsons cos the next one is really fragranced but my husband likes the smell of the next one (big girl!) so he will use that if he's the one drying her after a bath.

She had a bit of a rash on her chin(s) so the dr gave use diprobase which we use on her face and head.

I had a bit of a products fear but I've found she's actually better with them. Not loads, just a bit of baby bath and creme and baby shampoo.
Hi :wave:

Aqueous cream seems really good on my LO's skin. It's really gentle, non perfumed and best of all really cheap!!

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