I was watching Sky over at my mums today and they had a couple of documentary's on about him.
And what came across in the shows were how mow much he and his wife lived for the animals and conservation, they wanted to bring animals in to people minds and get them to understand that snakes arent slimey, or that crocs are ulgy etc he wanted the world to userstand them more and respect them - something which is being lost in society today.
They showed his wife giving birth to their second child 'Bobby' Steve was in tears when he was born and it certainly brought tears to my eyes, to think that they have lost their dad who doted on his family and kids as much as he did with the animals,
It commented on the croc incident and he never wanted it to be seen a s a stunt, he wanted to bring up his kids being able to understand and respect all animals, and he said he 'would never have deliberatly put his kid in danger. he knew exactly what he was doing, and he knows crocs he has been brought up with them.
As the said "my daugtgher is the most croc savy 5 yr old around, and she is not scared of them she understands them'
He died doing some thing he was passionate about, apparently they have it all on film and it will be used at the inquest to his death.
They seem a very open couple so i wouldn't be surprised if the show it to the kids when they are older.
RIP Steve Irwin - i hope they continue your conservation and your message.