Stetch marks GRRRRR!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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i knew it would happen..

and i know its just a part of it...

but my tummy has soo many now.. infact its like tryin to find a space which doesnt have one...

my sides havnt yet, just all on tummy... its horrible! i want to cry! infact sod it i am!

i had belli pierced yrs ago, and it healed over, and now i have 4 stretch marks growing from the already hated scare, which makes it so obveous!
i'm really not happy.. i know its a small price to pay for a gorgeous baby etc, and i dont want to sound selfish saying it, but i'm just really down about my changing body.. and there only going to get worse/more :'( xx
Hiya hun, i got a lot of stretch marks when i was on a high dose of steroids(didnt even have a baby to thank for that one!)They looked awful but they do fade and i can harldly see them now. I also had my belly button pierced and my scar has grown and its made me realise how wonky they pierced my belly button! Still.. it'll all be worth it.. try not to get too upset.

Claire x
Ive now got stretchmarks on my sides & ws upset when i saw them - Oh felt really bad as he pointed them out thinking i had been leant on something & had hurt myself. Im just hoping they will fade a bit once baby is here... its all in the name of playing god & creating life :D
i have just started to get stretch marks i have started using bio oil now hopefully it will stop new ones forming and make the other ones fade. its expensive but if it works its all worth it. :hug:
I know how hard it is to deal with the changing body of pregnancy and birth. I definately struggled somedays. :hug: :hug: :hug: 4 months on and I can honestly say things are a lot better! I got tons of stretch marks after Id had James too but they are all faded now :D
go with my motto...... they are not known as stretchmarks they are known as war wounds!! :D

I know how you feel iv got em on my old piercing, but none anywhere else on my tum. Instead my bum looks like freddy croeger has had a go at it :oops: .......on both cheeks :eek:

Just think about how good you will look once you lose all that weight and they fade away and you will have a gorgeous bubba too!!

When Im feeling down I just make the effort lol it sounds silly but having a shower and a shave and doing m hair, nails and make up then going out for a while makes me feel so much better!! try it! xx
When I was a teenager I put on a lot of weight very quickly and ended up with stretch marks on the insides of my thighs, hips and boobs. They faded eventually but I'm still aware that they are there. With Lucy I avoided them till about 36 weeks and then didn't get them too badly but had the same problem with my healed up belly piercing (which I still dislike). This time I'm starting to see the beginnings of them and while I'm not happy about it I'm fairly resigned to it. It's just one of those things, like my c-section scar and forever changed body. I would do it again for my Lu - and they're not bad things, someone told me to think of them as "mummy marks".
I know exactly how you feel hun, it's poo isn't it, but just have to hope that like others say they'll fade later. OH has started calling me zebra lady I've got so many of the things! My sides, bump, thighs and bum are covered in purple zig zags. They're getting really itchy now too. Sure they'll all be worth it when we meet our little ones too!
Sarah x
I have them all on my lower tum, hips, bum and thighs! They do just fade though so you can hardly see them!!
thanks for all the replies girlies..

i have loads on sides and bum and inner thighs under arms etc from when i was alot bigger anyway... and yeh now i think about it, there really light, i'm aware they are there, but they dont bother me too much, apart from the odd day. So your all right the ones on my tummy will hopefully do the same. its just when there purple they awfall :(

War wounds/mummy marks they are hehe...

they itch like crazy, i agree with that one, i used to use coca butter every day for first 6 months, i stopped that routine as i got lazy, and now i notice marks?? hmmm either my lazyness got me bk, or it was going to happen anyway.. i know they cant really be avoided xx
i've got a proper beasty stretch mark where i had my bely pierced! it's dead obvious, i hate it.
i'm worried the ones on my belly are gonna start meeting the ones under my boobs!
Since I was 4 weeks gone Ive slapped on coco butter in the morning, and bio oil at night...and my thighs and hips STILL look like Ive been clawed by a flaming leopard :shakehead:

My tums escaped for now though :pray:
I got loads from bein pregnant with charlie and then puttin on stacks of weight after he was born.. they are all silvery now though :) men seem to love them... cos they heal down to the softest silkiest skin imagineable :) and get a spot of moonlight through an open window they look bloody beautiful! ;) promise :hug: and now for the bit where you can chuck stuff at me.. haven't got any this pregnancy :rotfl: all me old ones have stretched out instead :shock: i hated mine when they were all purple n pink n yucky but now i absolutely bloody love them and wouldn't be without them and am really quite sad that i haven't got any with this pregnancy.. they are like my tribal marks of motherhood! :D
they are horrible things arnt they :(


i have been so lucky upto now, i didnt have any....or so i thought!!!

Now i have 3-4 horrid red ones on both of my sides, and i found two on my tummy last week :evil:
Becky said:
they're not bad things, someone told me to think of them as "mummy marks".

Awwww I totally love this expression. I'm definately stealing this one from you Becky :wink:

I have got them on my sides, bum and thighs and a couple on my boobs, and I do hate them, but nothing I can do about it so just got to keep slapping on the bio oil and hope they fade :D
tell me about it :x mine started appearing at about 15 weeks, so you can imagine what they look like now!!!! :wall:

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