steel plated nipple shields


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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I forgot to put them on my christmas list. Cally has taken to biting :cry: I thought seeing as I went through this with Seren (and got a nasty bite graze to show for it) I might be blessed with a non biter but Cally is even worse. She just asked for booby, I let her have one and she promptly bit down, I took her off and said no, then tried to feed her again, and she did exactly the same thing. I have put her on the floor where she is now playing with her blocks and whining at me. The ingratitude!!!!!!!

A minutes silence for my nipples please :(
Little bugger! she will soon learn if you keep telling her. Owch at your poor boobs though :( :hug: :hug: :hug:
:shock: :shock: :shock:
I'd send you some hugs but I guess you wouldn't appreciate being squished right now!
I totally sympathise - I often thought DD had actually bitten the nipple clean off - so so sore.

Hope she learns quickly for you - DD used to do it when she was teething particularly.

Valentine Xxx
Lola does this and it bloody hurts! :(

She normally comes back for a second bite too! I should have learned my lesson by now :?

The fact that she laughs after she's done it doesn't help either :shakehead:
Lil miss is a biter.. :x She also bites in her sleep...well she falls asleep on the boob sometimes, her jaw locks and her teeth clamp down... the last time it happened there was blood everywhere, on my bra, in her mouth, on her face.... :lol: I laugh now but at the time it bloody hurt and I was in tears... It also felt like I was back in the newborn days with the next few feeds it hurt so much.

Usually I find that lil miss goes through phases of biting and its always accompanied by the appearance of a tooth. Have you noticed that Cally maybe teething, or showing signs of teething? Perhaps give her a small dose of calpol.

When Lil miss bites I usually shout NO BITING!... (because it hurts) and I immediately put lil miss on the floor. She comes back and whinges and cries... but I won't feed her for at least half an hour... and when I put her back on she doesn't bite... well mainly :wink:

I have heard other tricks which include tapping them on the nose when they bite... or when they bite pushing their heads into your boob so their nose is covered and they can't breath.. but I have always found them to be a bit extreme... :?

I have a question for you though beanie... did Seren turn into a toddler who bites? Lil miss has taken to just biting people now when she can't get her own way, or your not paying attention to her.. and as shes a booby biter... I wonder if shes going to be a "biter" and how to nip it in the bud now. :think:
:hug: :hug: :hug: to you

And there was me coming on to post a thread about top teeth coming through and am i likely to be bitten :lol: :shock:

Calleigh has got signs of a top tooth coming through and i am now starting to get a little worried :?
Will keep praying she wont be a biter :pray:
I can sympathise, Riley went though a big phase, I do think it was linked to his teething, he's not bitten me for ages - touch wood!
Maybe bonjela before a feed?

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