Starting to drag now...


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Well after having what seems a super fast pregnancy it seems to be dragging now even though i dont have long left! Everyday ive got into a habit of counting how many days are left. Arrgh im irritating myself!
Anyone else feeling the same?
Aww Katie :hug: It will all be over before you know it. I tick days off a calendar - It does drag when you do that lol.

I heard my colleague say that she used to plan days out when she hit 37 weeks. She'd leave the ironing and do it Monday, go shopping Tuesday, paint with the kids Saturday etc (not precise but that was the general jist!)

Hopefully it happens soon for you :hug: xxx
yep i know the feeling, i change mine daily on msn messenger and today I found myself counting how many months in total i'd been pregnant which was something like 30 something months. pretty sad hey lol
The last mth of my pregnancy dragged real bad.
I was so uncomfatable and that just made it ten times worse.
Jaeda is now 2 weeks old and it has flown so it wont be long before your at my stage.
Just think girls you are so close to meetingyour bundles of joy, making everything worth while.
It's not dragging just yet but I think it will next week - so far have been busy but now everything's ready! I can't seem to find ways to entertain myself without spending money but the spending has to stop so I need some ideas on what to do for the next 4 weeks....! x
Yeah its dragging for me aswell, to the point where i woke up crying this morning jsut because it was raining and we couldn't go out.......
I just feel like a big heavy lump now, like all my body blends into one round shape...... Oh well as i keep telling myself i could be looking at going 2 weeks over yet so i better get used to the idea.
I'm not at that stage yet but I imagine I will get really impatient towards the end because I am impatient!

Plus at the very end I expect you rest more and think more...

yes me too! :roll:

SO fed up with being pregnant!! :cry: i just want my wee man out, everything is ready and as mandspice said, all i seem to be doing now is spending money!!!! :wall: xxxxxx
It seems to be taking forever to get to the last picture on my ticker. I tried to convince myself during the earlier stages that I'd be able to not get impatient until being close to 42 weeks and that I'd count the weeks til then rather than the due date. Now the due date just seems too far away. I have still got lots to sort out though so I guess that'll take my mind off my aches and pains for a while.
I'm not as far gone as you ladies, but this seems like the never
ending pregnancy! I tested early so i've known since 10 days past
ovulation! I was reading my trying to conceive posts the other day
and it seems like a million years ago I was ttc!! xxx

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