Started bleeding today


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Hi mummys n bumps n babies,

hope everyone is well, i wanted a little advice as im very confused.

i was on the bus to my friends this morning wen i felt a big GUSH, lucky i was only 2 stops from her house. i got 2 her house n ran straight up stairs 2 check and to my shock there was Blood. i went straight to hospital and got bloods done and an internal scan. baby was ok but then she said im 6 weeks one day, this is where the confusion starts i had a scan 2 weeks ago i was 5 weeks 6 days, which makes me 8 weeks one day today.

does anyone know how this is possible?
howdo i calculate when my baby was concieved?
if im 6 weeks does that mean i got pregnant 4 weeks ago?

im so confused.

please help
need to calculate it from the day of your last period. and maybe the bleeding u had was implantation bleeding. glad everything is ok tho
i cant calculate it from my last period as i was on the implant when i became pregnant and there was to much blood for it to be implantation bleeding but thanks
im not sure theres any other way of calculating it as if you didnt have a period then you cant really work out dates. Have you got a scan booked for 12weeks? or even talk to your midwife about it. as then they will have a date that they will use. I always did wonder tho if going by scans could they get the dates wrong and clearly they can. Hope you find out soon.
hi my dates changed all the time when I went from early scans but they do say that you wont get the proper dat til your dating scan which is around 12 - 14 weeks and i had alot of blood when the baby was implantning x
im not sure theres any other way of calculating it as if you didnt have a period then you cant really work out dates. Have you got a scan booked for 12weeks? or even talk to your midwife about it. as then they will have a date that they will use. I always did wonder tho if going by scans could they get the dates wrong and clearly they can. Hope you find out soon.

i havent met my midwive yet so only people i talk to is people at hospital im still waiting to hear back from my actual hospital and waiting for scan dates

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