Stanley Jude...


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
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Hey ladies,

Finally getting round to doing my birth story lol ...

As you know, I was booked in to be induced on 24th November 9am. Had complete mixed feelings because of the diabetes etc :(

Anyway, we turned up (me, my mum and SIL) and they took us to the ward and hooked me up to a monitor...they explained that they will monitor baby for a while, if hes happy then the will do an internal and check the cervix to see where to go from the there...if the cervix was ok and ready they will do a sweep and insert the gel, if not it would have to be the pessary which last 24 bloody hours!! Was really not happy hearing that second option lol...

So ab out 2 hours later (they were busy) they came round to do the internal...I sent my mum and SIL for a coffee and the midwife got on with her business lol felt a tad voilated lol but there you go...she said 'Ooh thats good you're two cm already dilated so ill just do a streatch and sweep and insert the gel, it can take upto 6 hours to work so make yourself comfy!'

Well...I couldnt make myself comfy as not 5 minutes after she left the cubicle I had my first proper contraction :) I text my mum and SIL to tell them and told them they could come back, they thought I was joking so took 20 minutes to come back hahah

Anyway, babies heartbeat dropped to 86bpm so they hooked me up to a fluid drip...that lasted an hour, most of which my mum slept lol but after that I was allowed to walk around...we all went for a walk around the hospital and I sat in the cafe bit having contractions every two minutes by this time :) lol looked a right state but I didnt care lol

When we got back the contractions started getting so much had been about 3 hours by this point...they were 50 seconds on 50 seconds off...and flippin painful!!!

I asked about a hundered times for gas and air but they kept saying I wasnt allowed until I got to labour ward.

They did another internal and I was only 4cm...but I said to them I felt like I needed to push so they let me go over to labour ward...

Then they gave me the gas and air.. Id never had it before other than a few puffs when I had my epiural with my first was great :) I kept moaning it wasnt working but after about 3 contractions I didnt really feel much...I remember tellin my SIL to Fuck off lol (shes forgiven me) cos she kept saying 'Just suck it up' and for some reason I thought she was saying suck it up as in man up and just deal with it hahaha

Anyway, we got to the labour ward at 6pm, at 6.20 I was 6cm and then at 6.45 I actually had an overwheming sense to push...the first push my waters went, then I had 3 more really big pshes and he was here :)

There wasnt time for the insulin drip to regulate my sugar levels..and although I did ask for an epidural there wasnt time for that either!!

So there you go, my beautiful little Stanley was born at 6.49pm 24.11.11

7lb 4.5oz
55cm long
Labour 2h 49m and pushing for 6 minutes :)

I am soo totally head over heels in love with y new little man and he's extremely good :)

Thanks for all your support girls...I couldnt have done it without you :)

Brill birth story! Thanks for sharing and big congrats.
Lovely birth story, nice and quick too :) congratulations xx
Congratulations lovley birth story hope mine goes fast like that lol xx
Fab birth story congratulations on your new arrival XX
Aww lovely story hunni. Huge congrats again xx
Fab birth story :love: congrats hun xxx

Sent from my spammy iPhone using Tapatalk - it's got a mind of it's own!
ahhh Congratulations to you , still love your names, I see you went for both Stanley and Jude in the end - brilliant! Can't wait to see a picture X

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