

Nov 20, 2015
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Hi Ladies, :wave:
I've been lurking on here for a few weeks now, all of your posts and support for each other is really helpful even though I've never posted, thought I'd join in finally. I'm not sure if this is a rant post or an am I pregnant one lol. I'm only on month 3 of NTNP (but with frequent BDing) so not far into our TTC journey I know. I've always had slightly erratic cycles ranging from 27 to 32 days with a bit of spotting in the days leading up to AF, had bloods and smear done and doc wasn't concerned. The first cycle NTNP I spotted from from cd24 for a whole week, last month no spotting at all so chalked up the first one up to stress, but now this cycle just had the tiniest red/pink spotting yesterday CD23, I think I'm anywhere between 6-10dpo. I've heard of IB but I just don't want to get my hopes up, I did that with the first cycle and was just bummed when AF did arrive not to mention then worried about my fertility!
I've been doing so well at not symptom spotting but this is harder to ignore, anyone else have a similar experience? hubby thinks I'm crazy as it is so just wanted to let it out somewhere :roll:
I was really down when I noticed the spotting yesterday but now feel hopeful again, the 2ww is such a roller coaster!
Hi Sam, welcome to PF :wave:

Hmm usually I would say there's a high chance that could be IB, especially because of the time in your tww you're in. But, because you've had this before I don't want to get your hopes up either. Sorry mrs! I really hope it is for you though. Try test in about 4 days? That way you'll be at least 10dpo? Lots of luck xx

I used to spot in the middle of cycle. Sometimes a little bit sometimes very noticiable. I went to docs and after ultra sound and tests he told me I was fine. I started taking all vitamins and spotting stopped.

It could be IB. It could be low progesterone. 50/50. X
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Thanks ladies :)
Had light brown spotting since but I'm sure it's the start of AF but you never know, I haven't completely given up hope just yet, will wait it out a couple more days and see, have looked into vitamin b6 and thought I might give that a try and see if it makes a difference with my cycles in the future.
Keeping my fingers crossed and my mind busy!

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