

Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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hi my AF is due on thurs or friday and i occassionally suffer with the odd spot here and there but the last few days i have loads of spots on my face big fat pussy ones and they are so ugly and i feel like a 12 year old again my self esteem has gone down and i want to lock myself away. 8) Iknow this could be a sign of AF but did anyone get lots of spots or more than before pre there BFP? :doh: I really don't want to do a test until AF is late as i really don't feel PG and i don't want to be disappointed. :cry:
Hey Rusks!

I had a mass outbreak of spots before I got my BFP and Im still getting them now. My back is really zitty too, I never have a zitty back!!!! It could be a good sign if you dont normally get them too bad......cant wait till you test!

xxxxxxxxxxxxx :pray:
im sure im not PG as my temp has gone down to the cover line for days and supposedly after implantation it goes up another phase. AF is on the way for sure. Im up for next month though!! :pray:
i never used to get spots at all!! but now i have them all over my face, where is the glow lol
So did you get af yet rusks? I'm still waiting for mine today.
yeah AF came a couple of days early! :cry: Nevermind im up for this month :pray:
sorry you got your af rusks hun :( good luck for this month xxxxx
Awwww I am sorry AF got you too ((((((HUGS))))))) She is getting everywhere this month :(


This month could be the month for a lot of us babe, so keep ya chin up and keep practicing, as practice makes perfect! :wink:

Tam x

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