Anyone get less spots at AF?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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I'm just full of questions this morning :D

Someone mentioned in a thread about knowing they had high progesterone because they got loads of spots and it got me thinking...

I am the only person that i know that gets less spots at AF!

It's one of my symptoms - my face clears up! (although i might get a couple of big ones on my back instead).

I'm not normally really spotty, well they look worse because i have practically transluscent skin and can't help picking so they go red :oooo:, but i do tend to have one or two big puss filled spots on my lower face at any one time plus a couple of tiny ones.

Then none when AF is due and normally until she has finished.

Anyone the same? not the same but I get spots when AF is due...I always get this one spot in the middle of my chin when AF is due garranteed every month lol its my due on spot. It gets really big and sore :(
Yup, I'm with Shauna, I dont get spots at all except just before AF, then i usually get one or two, usually a big one on my forehead or nose or some other obvious place that involves not leaving the house for two days, lol, ok not that bad, but during period really is the only time I get any spots.
same here i don't get spots either but when AF is due there big nasty things lol
Louise I was the same when I was on the pill, but now it seems to be turning the other way. xxx

PS - less of the santa suit, i wanted to be preg by xmas and it makes it seem too close :(
Louise I was the same when I was on the pill, but now it seems to be turning the other way. xxx

PS - less of the santa suit, i wanted to be preg by xmas and it makes it seem too close :(

Oh sorry - i was in the xmas thread section earlier :)
lol that's quite alright, i'm just extra moany today! is there a halloween one?xxx

although the drunk one is kinda scary!
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Ooh I have several halloween avatars but am holding out til October!

PS. I saw my first xmas advert today!! Went ballistic
is there a halloween one?xxx

I make my own :) I made my Santa Pikachu on Photoshop :good: What should i turn him into for Halloween?

star fish said:
PS. I saw my first xmas advert today!! Went ballistic

I couldn't believe it when they had a xmas section open already, but i guess it's a bit more exciting when you already have your little family :)
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Gotta be a pumpkin, I had pumpkin risotto for lunch, delicious!
As for the spots, I always get really sore ones before AF, as if you don't feel rubbish enough you have to deal with them too!

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