

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
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Hi :wave:

I'm waiting for AF time!!!! (hopefully not!) and have got three horrible spots on my face that hurt!!! :evil: :evil:

I don't normally get these until around the time of my AF, which isn't due for another 10-12 days!!

...Could this be a very early sign....I'm stabbing in the dark me out! Ha ha :pray:

Also, the sickness you get - what sort of sick feeling do you get? Is it a sort of indigestiony type of sick feeling, or your standard gut chucking sick feeling?

Need to know.

hi zoe, not really sure about the spots thing being a sign it hasnt been for me but everyone is different so maybe so?

as for the sickness mines only ever been nausea n its like the normal sicky feeling for me but again everyone has different experiences

sorry that hasnt been any help at all but good luck i hope wicked witch stays away for you :pray:
Hey Zoe, sorry can't help as not pg myself lol, just wanted to say good luck, hope you get your bfp soon chick. x

...It's not very busy at work at the moment and so got too much time to post on here and to invent early preg signs for myself that are probably nothing! Ha ha!

Did you think your were preg before dreaded AF Bexter?


im not sure about the spots thing either, all i know is that since i came off the pill my skin is much more spotty and i hate it!!

how long have u been trying again Zoe, i cant remember sorry. This is my 4th month and like you i just WANT IT TO HAPPEN NOW!!!

Good luck for this month!

nikki x
Hi Zoe, not sure if pg this time - need to test again next week (AF due 13th or not please please please ).

Last month was our first month ttc, i swore i had ALL the symptoms ie sore boobs, cramps, need to pee more as it turned out AF came a week later - think it was my body reajusting to coming off the pill.

This month have tried very hard not to symptom spot but it's difficult. As my other post said i gave in and tested 4 days early lol.

When is your AF due? How long have you been ttc?

I'm in work too - bored as hell and waiting for 5.00 to come :wink:

This will be the fifth month, however, it's the second month of us trying as the doc told us - every other day all the way through your cycle.

Before that we just concentrated on doing it the most around the time of ov.


Good luck too!! God, I'm going to get the sack before I get preg at the rate I'm lookin at this brill chat room.
Well, I was on the pill too and then had periods on foll:


when i was pregnant before , i came out in loads of spots but that wasnt untill about 5 weeks gone

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