spooky baby monitors!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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hav u ever switched on the parent one without the baby one?

i did b4 as i was about 2 go upstairs 2 put millie 2 bed i switched it on on my way up. i thought i heard a faint baby cry that wasnt millie, i went and put my ear right next 2 it and could hear baby noises and a muffled womans voice! spooooooky!

my boyf said it was probably picking up the tv or radio which is possible i guess but if it was it was very mundane and coincidental!
If someone in a certain radius to you has the same one you can pick up their sounds
freaky though isn't it?
Jacks used to make weird screechy noises just randomly, used to scare the crap outta me!!
we sometimes pick up next doors baby crying and vice versa, if its on the wrong channel or something :think:
Ive not had that one, but i have digital one and it dont pick anything up and is crytal clear.
Ours did it too trixipaws, scared the freaky beejeezus outta me!!! :shock:
Thankfully we're in a flat so don't need to use it :D
There was an episode of 'AfterLife' on last year with a haunted baby monitor that sung nursery ryhmes :shock:

Anyone else see it?
When the neighbours either side of us both had babies, they could pick up each other's baby monitors!!! In fact our detached neighbour could hear talking and thought that her twin babies were a bit advanced - in fact it was our detached neighbour and her husband having a conversation! :rotfl: You'd have to be careful what you were saying (and doing!!!)
If you havn't got a digital monitor then you can pick up other monitors in your area.
I once picked up another baby crying in my street on mine. It freaked me out so much. My hubby was upstairs playing with a very tiny aaron and I could hear this loud screaming and I ran upstairs thinking what the hell is he doing to him and he was laid on the bed all chilled out :lol:
My OH thoiught it would be funny to make the grudge noises over the monitor - hilarious!! He knows I get spooked easily
When we first bought ours we switched it on to test it and we could hear a baby crying and a woman singing hush little baby! It freaked me out!

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