spitting formula out?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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ok for a good few weeks now leland on 4 out of 5 meals is spitting loads out , ends up soaking in formula and its dribbled everywhere but occasionaly he doesnt drip a drop !

im using HIPP organic with one sachet gavsicon in 6 oz durring the day and his night feed he has 7oz with a dual sachet in ( basically 2 sachets)
with tt ctn bottles and variflow teats , the size one teat was too small for the gavsicon

so , is he spitting cos his being naughty and fussy ? flow too fast ? wrong formulal ? reflux pain ? ( he also arches his back and crys out sometimes ?

do i change formula again ? change teat ? i dunno ! someone reccommend aptamil easy digest and said it changed her reflux baby into a whole diff baby and no more feeding nightmeres ? but do i still add gaviscon to that stuff ?

to be 100 % honest i now dred feeding cos its a battle :cry:

oh his still gaining weight so must be getting enough .

oh and tried c&g comfort before and he was more sick atho it was when he was only 3/4 weeks old then .
awwww :hug: As you probably know im a huge fan of cow and gate comfort. i noticed a huge change in my son after about a week. i think he was about 8 weeks when i put him on it.

Kyran use to do exactly the same and spit it out and just cover everything in milk! i spoke to my midwife about it and she said to burp him after every oz. Easier said than done now hes older i find he doesnt need to bring up wind that much but it did help a little. apparently she said reflux babies often bring up milk when a burps building up because they strain their stomach muscles :think:

oh yeh and thinking about it i tried variflow teats once and he was an absolute nightmare on them. he was VERY sicky on them. i gave up after a couple days maybe go back to a medium flow teat?
I bought the variflow teats and Ella ended up covered in milk the only time I used them - I think that she was sucking faster than she could swallow! Could that be the same for Leland?
his been on them so long tho , ive sterilsed a couple of size 2 teats this mornign and will give the next two feeds with them , ive only got one box of HIPP left so need to go an get formula so will pick up maybe the aptamil easy digest .

i hate having a feeding battle :cry:

erm anyone know if i still add gaviscon to a comfort type formula ?
can you try him without? Do you sit him up after a feed Gem as this is what we do with Harry for a good 30 mins after each feed. I also give him a break half way through the feed now and he settles better. Still using mam teats (size 1) and they are fine with the c&g comfort x

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