

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Mummies with 9 month olds ( or around that age)...

Does your lo say much?

I'm sure S isn't behind, She says mumma and dadda and nanna and things like that. I am just curious really?
To be honest I was a tad worried as Angel never seemed to babble or even coo a lot even though I'm always chatting to her, singing to her etc etc she was just very quiet. Just in the last 2/3 weeks she's suddenly learned how to babble and she won't stay quiet now. She's said mamamamama, dadada, gagagaga and namnamanm when she's chewing. xx
aww she sounds like she doing really well!

I read that some babies no one actual word before the first birthday and i started thinking whether savannah will know a word by then. She says boo and yeah but im not sure that they count as she just copies us lol!
I'd say that's still really good hun. My friends baby is 11 months old and he only says as much as Angel. It sounds like she's doing good to me I think they're all just really different :) xx
My LO has just said her first word at 18 months and now she's picking up a new word every few days! I was getting a bit worried but kept my head as I reminded myself regularly that every baby is different. Your LO will get there in her own time :)

Yes every baby is different.

My friend has a three year old who has only just started talking

I think he said mum when he was like two but he still doesnt say dad. He is coming along a bit now though.
My LO has just said her first word at 18 months and now she's picking up a new word every few days! I was getting a bit worried but kept my head as I reminded myself regularly that every baby is different. Your LO will get there in her own time :)


Aww thats really good! I cant wait for her to start learning words. We talk to her constantly and read to her all the time. I dont think she is behind, Was just curious as to whether she was on track
My lo didn't say anything recognisable until around 16/17 months your lo seems perfectly fine x
E didn't say a word until about 22 months! She's one of those that just sits and watches! I was constantly comparing her to K who was chattering away by 12 months! 9ish months on tho, she's more than caught up with herself and has better speech than K! They all learn at their own rates, but all get there in the end!
Really sorry to go off topic but whereabouts in Gloucestershire are you from Hayley?? xx
i suppose when you have two you will automatically compare one to the other. Glad they are both chatting away now though!
Yea they always say not to compare them, but it's impossible not to! Especially as mine are only 12m apart! You're constantly thinking, well K was doing this at this stage etc etc!
Yeah it must be hard not too. I guess thats when you realise though that each baby/ child really is different. And lean at different paces. S is really strong physically. She rolled at just over a month was crawling by 6 months and standing by 7, Shes gearing up for walking, just not brave enough to let go yet!

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