
Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
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Hello is there any ladies out there suffering with SPD??
Whats best way to relieve pain?? im in agony :( xx
Hello proud.mummy.
I was diagnosed with SPD a while ago and I totally feel your pain. I'm looking at being signed off work until baby arrives as my job is totally incompatible with this condition unfortunately.

Personally the only thing that works for me on a bad day is my pain killers (60mg dihydrocodine) and a nice bath, althought lying on your back with SPD makes a bath sometimes more painful than not having one at all :( Have you been to the physio at all? I'm going on monday and i'm told that he will give me a support belt and some excersises to help. If you arn't able to go to the physio, im told mothercare do a really good support belt.

hiya yeah im starting physio next week and being given a support belt, its in evenings im worse can barely move, never suffered with it in my last pregnancy! just hoping it doesnt make labour more painful :s x
Have you spoke to your MW about your labour options as I've heard that somethings are recomended/not recomended for SPD sufferers. Some say to stear clear of epidurals so you can feel the pain and not push yourself too far, some advise water births as the water is supposed to be comforting, some say no form of birth that puts you on your back and some say c-section. I don't know for certain as I'm not at that stage of planning yet but i'm hoping for a water birth on gas and air, I will only be having a c-section if it is essential.

Hope the pysio helps you, i'm hoping he helps me :D I went for my 20 week scan yesterday, laying on my back as you do having the woman do her thing with the wand and she said, "could you roll over towards me?" and I layed there and laughed, "no"!! I had to get my OH to stand up and roll me over as I am more or less stuck if lay on my back. Bed-times are a nightmare, heh.


I have SPD which is really painful, especially at night. I find that the only thing that helps me is by moving as little as possible - definitely no lifting anything. Also, keeping your legs together, sitting down to get dressed, swinging round to get in and out of the car and bed etc etc. Try to avoid going up and down stairs, no hoovering, sweeping, mowing the lawn are all things I was told to avoid by the physio. Rocking on a gym ball can help. If I take it easy it's not so painful at night, but sometimes it seems to flare up for no apparent reason.

The physio gave me the above advice and basically told me I'd have to grin and bare it until baby arrives and then it should go - i hope they're more helpful for you!
I went to consaltant appt today and hes considering inducing me at 38 weeks which im so nervous about but at least my baby will be healthy and no more of this horrible pain!x

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