spd and horrible midwife!


Aug 28, 2011
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hi all, i spoke to my midwife about two months ago regarding sharp pains and she told me it was all normal, things just preparing themselves, at that point i was only 4 months, but being my first child i thought, she knows better than me. two weeks ago i went to the doctor with the same pain, except it was constant and not just every now and then. it hurt to move, walk, generally do anything. the doctor said it was SPD and was two months ago to. was referred to physio who told me my right sid of my pelvis had lifted above the left and she couldn't move it back because it had been like it to long. if i had seen her two months previous i would of been ok. been given crutches to take pressure off of pelvis when walking. i'm only 28 + 2 occording to my midwife and scans, but workingn out dates of possible conception ect ( yes i wrote everything down when ttc) and i am probably closer to 31+2 but they wont listen. i am now seeing a different midwife on tuesday who hopefully will be more understanding, and will at least listen to me. i am petrified of giving birth naturally, as i cant open my legs very wide at all, and could do more damage if forced, all due to the spd. but as its not widely recognised in my local area i dont know if they will let me have a elective c section. i dont know what to do. sorry guys, needed to get all this off of my chest.
well i seen a new midwife today, who is lovely! what a difference a midwife who listens makes! i will now be seeing her instead. still not gone through birth plans or anything but should be seeing her in a couple of weeks so will start to go through those things then. :)
Hi, i have SPD too, but not as bad as how you have it, although i got it so early on, that it was expected that it would be much worse than it got.

I found this website which had some useful tips: http://www.pelvicpartnership.org.uk/

One thing i found was finding how wide my legs could go before it hurt and tying string round them, and then when in labour, tying the string at the same distance and make sure the medical staff did not try to force them beyond it
thank you, that sounds like a great idea, now i have a new midwife who understands spd i think i will have chat with her next time i see her about options. :)

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