SPD Already???


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I had SPD with my first child...and had it pretty bad at the end. It used to take me 50 minutes to walk the 10minute journey to the local shop...shuffling all the way. 8 years ago there wasn't much information on it though and I never had physio, or crutches or pain relief...My MW at the time said it was normal to get pain in your pelvis during pregnancy and just to get on with it...it would go when the baby was born...which it did... but has left me scarred from the whole experience.

Over the last few days, though, I've started to get that familiar pain in my pelvis again. Sharp pains that take your breath away. Sometimes, also when the baby moves it gets quite uncomfortable too.

I didn't think it would start this early, but I have since been looking things up and its supposed to start earlier in subsequent pregnancies. I wonder if anyone has any advice on SPD a second time around....?? Is it worse or better?? It was horrible last time.

So far the Spanish system has been Cr*p... especially when I hurt my back in July, the doc at the hospital just sent me home despite screaming in pain and not being able to walk...and when DH started to argue with him the doctor walked off...they never even examined me... so god knows what they will be like with SPD: :cry: I'm a very worried Squig atm.
I was about 5 months into my first pregnancy when I started with SPD and I am dreading the next time I become pregnant in case it kicks in any earlier....I was on Co-codomol for the pain and had a completely useless physio appointment where she told me to put up with it there was nothing they could do!!! :evil:
SPD can start anywhere in pregnancy. There are some women who suffer from it starting from 12-14 weeks.

I really feel for you, becourse I have it very bad and know how it feels?
Perhaps you already know what to do, but here are some tips:

1.Keep your knees together as much as possible (while sitting, lying, turning around in bed, getting in and out of the car, sex)

2.My physio told that pelvic floor excercises are a MUST! (Try to do at leadt 100 a day. It sounds a lot, but if you divide it in 5, its like 20 in a time, so not too bad) These are essential!!!!!

3. There is a simple excersise which you can do even when you are in pain. Try, while lying on the floor, to sort of suck your tummy in. You can do it by getting your tail bone on the floor, so there is no space between the back and the floor. You have to have your feet on the floor as well, and knees together.

In 3rd trimester there is a post about SPD exercises. Read it!

And, insist to your healt carer to get you a physio appointment!

Hope it will help! :)
i suffered with it in my last pregnancy.

my midwife told me it gets worse with each pregnancy you have after...

sorry :(
I got SPD last tme, round about 41/2 months I think, and this time round I am already feeling slight pans in my pelvis if I am walking, which is how it started before. I really hope it doesn't come back but I think it might be :(
I did something awful to my back when I was 15weeks this time, which left me unable to even walk to the bathroom. But other than that my pelvis has been fine up until about a week ago... So I think this might be the start too... :cry: It was really horrid last time round... worse than labour I thought because it just seemed never ending.... whereas labour wasn't any longer for me than a few hours.
I still have this despite giving birth 8 months ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I can say is Physio.... mine have helped a lot but the excercies that are posted in the third tri are all they have given me really.... being on a birthing ball really gave me relief when I was pregnant too. I took co codamol and bounced on my ball for pretty much all of the third tri!

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