soya milk? (formula) Updated!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Just wondered if anyone had any experiences trying it? A midwife reccomended we try Isla on it to see if her skin problems and stomach problems improve, so just wondered if anyone else here has used it?

Thanks :)


Been using the Infasoy for about a week now and there has been a definate improvement in her digestion - hardly any puke!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Hopefully she will start to gain a bit more weight now she is keeping more down :)
My second son had Soya milk! :D Though he was older! (12 months)
:wave: :wave:
yep Faith has been on it since 6 weeks and we've had no problems with it :)
What do you need to know?

Fi had a sensitive tummy and we guessed at lactose intolerance and within one feed she was a much happier baby. Some babies have a bit of a problem digesting lactose because they don't have enough lactase and there are varying amounts of lactose intolerance. Soya milk has no lactose and is totally dairy free.

It's totally fine for babies - people who wish their child to be veggie or vegan use this milk too.

C&G do infasoy and SMA do wysoy. We prefer cow and gates version as it smelt and looked better!

We mix our bottles the same way we always did - we have the bottles with cooled boiled water in out on the side and we just add the powder and shake as needed.


claire - can you get your GP to give you a paediatrician appointment? One of the main causes for reflux is milk allergy. Not all of the time, they don't think phoebe's was.

But anyway, if it is milk allergy, there are lots of milks they can try, e.g. soya, or a hypoallergenic one (like Coreysmummy uses). Plus you'd get it on prescription xxxxx

Lactose intolerance is different to milk protein allergy, one of them (I can't remember which) soya milk would not be any good either as it contains the same thing as normal milk (am guessing the milk protein).

I think it would help put your mind at rest that the best thing is being done for Isla too - I know that it helped me.
:hug: :hug:
sma wysoy doesnt contain milk protein hun as Thomas has that one as he cant have milk protein
hope you get it sorted
green bean is on SMA WYSOY as the signs pointed to dairy intolerance

Getting on with it really well at the mo. Poos smell really weird... Sort of sweet :lol:

I would recommend it :)
Thanks for the responses :)

We started Isla on Infasoy today...hopefully things will improve!

I wanted to ask, what happens when you wean/1 year plus? If we stick with soy formula, do I move her onto soy milk??? And what about yogurts and things, do I stick with soy yogurts?

Also, how did others find the switch over from normal formula to soy?

So many questions!!!

C xxx
most babies will grow out of the allergy by 1 year old so you just use cows milk,
as for weaning look for jars that are milk/lactose free they all say it on the side and yep soya yougarts are fine :)
make sure you see your dr as he/she should get you an appt with a dietian they will explain what you can and cant give to your baby
:wave: :wave:
I love infasoy :D

R.e yoghurts and stuff

At the moment we give Fi either fruit soya yoghurt or plain with some pureed fruit - we buy alpro soya smooth ones - make sure you get smooth unless your bubs can handle the bits :D
Use the formula in everything until a year.

When Fi is a year old we're going to try her with cows milk. If she turns out to be intolerant for life then we will use either the formula or the cartons of 'fresh' soya milk.
You can also get soya cheese, soya choc and random other things!

You should find that small amounts of milk don't cause any problems anyway. Fi has had butter on her toast/oat cakes and has been fine because it is a small amount.

Fi has also had a few other things with lactose in them and has been fine - i'm guessing because there wasn't a huge amount like a drink would give.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
So glad to hear that hun :) I swear by the stuff, it made my sad baby into a happy one :D

You should be able to get it free on prescription, Isla was on pepti junior (soya and milk free) and we got it paid for as its really expensive. You normally have to get the peadiatrician to confirm thier allergy or intolerance first tho. She grew out of it after a while and now has all dairy, normally they do grow out of it. :D

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