Sorry to keep quizzing you all... it's all so new to me!

Hels Bels

Active Member
Jan 17, 2007
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Hi guys,

I'm sorry I keep quizzing you all about symptoms etc, but I have never been in this situation before and am trying to understand what the hell is going on with my body!!

As a lot of you will know from my previous thread, it is 10 weeks since I had a period. They have always been irregular but in the opposite sense whereby I usually bleed every other week. I took a test on December 12th (was due December 10th), December 17th, December 24th and January 6th. They were all BFN. However, between December 31st and January 9th my partner and I had unprotected sex on a number of occassions, January 9th being the last time. I have still not had a period.

On January 13th I had what I thought was implantation bleeding. Spotting when wiping and slight brown discharge and this lasted for 2 days. I decided to take a test on Wednesday, which was the 17th, this was a BFN.

Apparently I could have ovulated since taking the December/early January tests, which means I could be pregnant. But why would the test say BFN? Did I test too early?

The main thing I'd like to ask about is symptoms of early pregnancy. My friend recently miscarried at 6 weeks but was telling me about her symptoms. She said she knew straight away, was being sick, had really sore boobs and was constantly tired. Well I can tick the tired box, I'm certainly feeling very tired. But i have been having some slight discomfort on one side of my back, at my hip actually... anyone know if this is common? I've also had a lot of wind (tmi, I know). No sore boobs, no sickness though.

Anyone know anything about what to do in this situation? Based on my dates do you think I tested too early? I'm gradually coming to understand the whole process more since joining here... but we weren't TTC and I have no idea when to test, when I could have conceived or anything, cos it's all been so messy with missing Decembers period. I am a bit weary of going to my doctors as I haven't been away from the place recently!! I don't want to seem like a hypochondriac!

I'm really sorry those of you who have already read my previous email, but this is slightly more detailed and probably helps you to understand my situation a little more, now I understand the whole cycle/ovulation process a little better.

Sorry again :( :( :(

*edit* - have had head aches also.
I'm so sorry but I haven't a clue what to recommend. But just wanted to give you this :hug:

I hope your body decides what it is doing soon.
Hi :wave:

Going by the dates you have given, you could be at the least 11 days pregnant, which is unlikely to show on a test. If your AF doesnt show in the next 7 days your more likely to get an accurate test result then.

Have you been given a reason for such a short cycle or is it just one of those things? The reason I ask is because if its due to a condition of any kind its possible the same condition has stopped your periods.

My advice is to go back to your doctor who will have more of an idea of whats going on, it doesnt matter if youve been there a lot thats what they are there for!

Best of luck and keep us posted
There is a medical term for having irregular periods and I have that... though I do not remember what it is because I only found out a week ago! It doesn't affect OV or anything, but it does mean you cannot guarantee when you will ovulate.

I really appreciate all your help, I realise I am a pain in the arse but I have no idea what to expect or how to work these things out either!! I have tried but I am considerably useless on the matter lol.

I'm so excited... it wasn't planned at all but we have got so excited at the fact that i may be. My partner and I were talking about it last night and it just felt so natural.

Now I am in danger of getting a BFN and being absolutely gutted.

LOL your not a pain in the arse, thats what we're all here for and I cant begin to tell you how supportive and knowledgable everyone here is, ive learned so much from this forum im practically an expert already lol.
I just wonder though... how long does it take for implantation to happen after you have slept together? Does it work like that?

Thank you for all your help x
I think its about 7-14 days?

It does sound like implantation, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!
When I got pregnant I didn't know til my SIL told me to test. I had af pains and was convinced af was on her way. my boobs were swollen but just assumed they would go down when af arrived and yes i farted for England ( although i just thought i had turned into a rude girl :rotfl: )

The Gp can do a blood test to check the pregnancy if you still think you are or look into where your periods have gone...maybe make an appointment for 14 days after you think you may of concieved then if you still haven't got a BFP you can talk to your doc
you should go to the docs, I know that ectopic pregnancies can lead to pain in hip and shoulder pain also, it's worth ruling out and you doctor may be able to better tests to find out why your period is so late if it turns out that you are not pregnant
Good Luck

Even if you have had several BFNs it could still be possible. I just got a BFP two days ago. but I tested three times over the last month and got BFNs. i guess my cylce was irregular and i was testing too early. Also, i didnt really have any sympoms at all. So, i think if you are unsure then you should maybe see the doc. Or test again in a couple days. I hopw it all works out for you. x
Thanks so much for all your help and kind words, I really appreciate it! I am so clueless on the whole situation!! :oops:

I have decided to take a test one month after what could have been the implantation bleeding, since I don't know when I was ovulating or may have conceived... due to missing Decembers period. Obviously if AF comes in the meantime I will know the situation but if not, I am likely to expect a BFP.

It's going to be a reeeaaally hard month!!!:cry:
I'll be praying for you in my own way hun, and if it gets too much or you just need to let off steam you know where to come! :hug:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I woke up this morning unable to bare it any longer. It is now 9 days since I had spotting/brown discharge/possible implantation bleed. I have been reading up and apparently you should almost certainly expect a BFP 10 days after implantation bleeding. I got BFN... :cry:

I also called NHS direct and explained that we had unprotected sex on 5th and 9th of Jan, that possible implantation bleed was 13th of Jan and that tests taken on 17th and 22nd of Jan both gave BFN.... she said it was very unlikely that I was pregnant.

I haven't had any sickness or sore/swollen breasts, but I've had some discomfort in my stomach around my pubic bone, back pains, heart burn, head aches, tiredness...... I actually convinced myself!!!!!

I feel so deflated. We didn't TTC and even though we got quite excited at the thought of being pregnant, my partner would rather wait and actually plan for a family in the future as apposed to right now. I'm gutted! Really, really gutted!

So I guess I won't see you all again for a very long time now :( :cry:

Thank you for all your help and advice x x x x x x x :cry:

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