Sorry to bring this up AGAIN.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Emily won't sleep during the day unless she is in my arms! I have tried everything and she is currently in the travel cot in our room WIDE AWAKE when know she is shattered!

What can I do????????
have u tried putting her in her pram? pushing her back and for? donovan will only sleep in his car seat in the day so i normally put him in there coz i think he associates it with sleep coz he always falls asleep in car journeys
She used to sleep in her pram but she is a bit big for it now :-(

It's driving me CRAZY it really is!
She is still in the travel cot now, screaming! I'm going to leave her for 10 mins. Will then get her up and she will go straight to sleep in my arms! She wins again :-(
i know some people dont approve but maybe controlled crying will have to be the way to go... she is past the 6 month mark now so should be old enough to do it. maybe u could leave her to cry herself out a few times and eventually she will associate her cot with nap time? Its not for everyone but if uve exhausted all other options then maybe its worth a try? It will be horrible doing it but if u pick her up after ten mins she will just know that if she cries for ten minutes u will come and get her anyway... if u stopped going to pick her up maybe she would learn different ? i dont know, many people dont like to do that and honestly i havent tried it myself just read about it...
I was thinking about it tbh. How exactly does it work?

My only issue with that Is that my neighbours work nights and sleep during the day and I feel bad if she us screaming. But I can't help it I suppose x

I am more familiar with pick up put down which is i believe a softer form of controlled crying, you would put your baby down then leave the room, if she cries after 5 minutes go back in, pick her up without talking then put her back down. If she cries leave it 5 minutes go back in pick her up and then put her back down and basically repeat until she falls asleep which takes a lot of perserveance and theres no point doing it if u are going to give up otherwise it wont work.

I think it can also work if u go in after 5 mins settle then wait 10 mins before settling then wait 15 minutes and so on.

I wouldnt worry about ur neighbours, if it is followed through controlled crying can take as little as 3 days to work so in the long run it will be a benefit!

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