sorry to ask but...


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2005
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I know this sounds gross but would rather ask on here...does anyone else get cramping pains in your uterus when you have a number two? Is this the start of piles (yuk) or something else?? Feels like a bad period but goes away when i'm done (sorry TMI)!!

Thanks for reading sorry if i made your sickness worse


I have just found out I am pregnant (about 1 month). I am actually slightly afraid of going to the toilet and straining because I feel slight cramping in my womb when I do this.....I feel like I will push the growing sesame seed out!!! But yes, I do feel slight cramping. You are probably more aware now than ever about your bodily feelings! GOOD LUCK!!
thanks hun - will try not to worry about it! congratulations by the way! good luck xx p.s any idea on your due date yet?
I get this as well Jessika - do you think it could be anything to with your diet or the amount of fibre you do or don't eat? I've changed a few foods and it's better but it is still there a bit. Sometimes worse than other times. It is just like period pain though. :roll:
Certainly sounds like the same thing - I am eating lots of fruit and veg, perhaps too much i wonder...

thanks for the advice!
yeah I was eating tons of the stuff and fruit juices!! :lol: It might not be anything to do with that - probably hormones and bloating, etc - the joys of pregnancy eh :lol: Nothing to worry about though.
Dear Jessika

I have not been given an official due date but from my workings out I think little sesame seed will be due at the beginning of April sometime.....? I am so excited but also very nervous because I had a miscarriage in March of this year. I don't want to build up my hopes and start planning too much until at least 10 weeks have gone past (Doctor said it would be very unlucky to have a second m/c but I should be out of the danger zone after 10 weeks). I just want to relax!
Yes, I know what you mean. I get that too sometimes, I think it must be something to do with the fact that your muscles relax or something as they get ready to expand, so maybe extra straining (sorry) could be felt more than when they were more tense. That was my theory anyway, it is just a guess :?

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