Sorry this is a bit gross...


Active Member
Nov 27, 2006
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Apologies for this...!! :oops:

Three times now when I've been changing Archers nappy he has done what can only be described as a foamy poo. It even sounds "fizzy" when it comes out. Its normal in colour and smell (if there is such a thing!) but it seems to be full of bubbles and is quite runny, just like shaving foam coming out of a can!

I mentioned it to the doctor and she said as long as the majority of his poos are normal theres nothing to worry about. But as I don't see all of them coming out, they could all be like it for all I know!! :think:

He has got colic and I read the definition of colic as loads of tiny air bubbles in the gut, so in some ways its kind of obvious that these foamy poo's are just the bubbles coming out???

Has anyone else experienced this? Should i be more worried?

Sorry if this was all TMI!!!
sorry hun cant help! sounds special tho! i dont trust doctors at all, have had a bad run with them so if it still worries u hun speak to ur HV, does LO seem happy? if baberz was in any discomfort they wud let u no. Let us no chick x
:wave: Hi There!!

I had the same concerns with Finns poo,but apparently it is perfectly normal for breast fed babies to have air whipped poo!I know if it is greeny in colour it may be a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance,but I can't find the link where I read this - I'll take a look now :D
Thanks girls.

He's often in pain but usually it gets better with a big fart!!! He is definitely not in pain when he's pooing though, as he usually has a big grin on his face while doing it... in fact its usually the most relaxed I see him! :lol: Other than his colic, he's a very happy baby and he hasn't got a fever or anything. I will defo keep an eye on it though.

Would be interested in that link if you could find it, thanks bagpuss. If not, don't worry hon.
Thanks Bagpuss, they're great. I'm gonna print out the Dr Jay Gordon one and sitck it to my fridge so I can refer to it whenever a strange poo occurs!!!

I always thought it was a jokey myth that parents become obsessed with what is in their babies nappies!!! And here I am proving it to be totally true :lol:

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