Sorry need to rant - 9DPO


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey ladies,

I hope you dont mind but just need a bit of a rant. Im only on cycle 2 of TTC coming off the pill and first official 2ww (as I wasnt charting and no clue when AF was coming) and Im 9DPO and feeling nothing!

Im now feeling like its definitely not going to happen for me this month as most people with BFPs seem to be having something happen (cramping, sore boobs,CM). Ive maybe had a few cramps but I think thats been the wind Ive had (sorry tmi) and feeling a bit down but thats just probably :witch: on her way!!

I know Ive not even been trying as long as half of you so I feel bad ranting but Im not the most patient person. How do you all cope with this every month.

And to top it off my cycles are 36 days at mo so aaaages til I can try again (didnt ovulate til CD23)

Anyway sorry but just wanted to get it out there! Damn 2ww and symptoms!! xx
Awh hun sorry your feeling down.. I didnt get any symtoms when i was first pregnant till i was 6-7 weeks.. Im a 32 day cycle and last month was 46 :roll:.. It really does drag in.. I hope you get that BFP :).. Good Luck xx
GL LD. Hope you get a quick BFP :) the 2ww's are a killer! xx
Aww Good Luck hun not everyone gets symptoms anyway chick xx
just so you know I have had no symptoms - got a :bfn: two days ago when I was 9dpo but got a positive today. Ur not out til the :witch: gets you!
Thanks guys :) Am 10DPO today and feels like the witch is coming. Temps have dropped today and had some cramps last night. Its the first cycle Ive charted so am praying she doesnt come yet as I dont want my luteal phase to be less than 10 days!! xx
FX for you hunny!

Sending you lots of babydust!


I could cry, the :witch: got me and Im only 10DPO!! Its only my 2nd cycle off the pill and first one charting so means my luteal phase was 9!!

My cycle was 36 last month and now 33 so should I see what happens next cycle or see the docs about my LP??

I dont want to waste months if I have no chance of implantation!!

I knows its early days but am gutted!! xxx

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