sorry me again, pls help me, im desperate now :( - DIAGNOSIS


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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I know i seem to post a new problem everyday and i hope you all dont think im making something out of nothing. Im in tears now i just dont know how to do this.
For the second night in a row Dylan screamed solid between the hours of 11pm - 5am, before getting up at 8. nothing consoles him no matter how much we try. He was clean, fed, winded, right temperature. I spent hours on end cuddling and rocking him and he just screamed and screamed it was breaking my heart to see him so upset because i dont think hes very well, it wasnt an attention seeking cry it was a really distressed cry. To top it off i dont know whats wrong with me i've not been well all weekend, been having cold chills, headaches, achey and i've got up this morning and can barely move. my back and neck seem to have completely siezed up. I think i have thrush in my nipples because both boobs hurt like hell and i just looked in the mirror and my chest has gone really veiny and one boob and nipple has gone all gross looking, its a bit white and looks like its been twisted, it was quite scary to see.
So both me and Dylan are suffering and im worrying that if i get much worse i wont even be able to look after him properly, i barely have the strength to lift him :cry: :cry:
Im sorry to feel so sorry for myself. i need help, what should i do?
Im seeing the HV later will she be able to write out prescriptions for us both if needed? or do i have to see the doctor do you think?

Thanks for your help again. I hate the thought of my baby boy being poorly, at least i understand that its just some sort of bug or something and will pass, its probably the first time he's experienced being unwell i just hope hes not feeling the same as me its horrendous :cry:
Aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Sorry your not well!
I agree with Sarah and you should make an appointment to see the doc!
Also, sounds like LO has colic hun! Ask the doc about colief! Its supposed to be the best one out there :hug:
hi hun, its sounds like he might have colic. :hug:

also its sounds like mastitus and poss thrush that you have which will affect both of you too.

i'd phone docs and request an emergency home visit as if its mastitus and thrush, it'll need treating asap

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Firstly :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to both of you!
Definaitly sounds like colic to me! Ryan had it for about 2-3 months and every night for 3 hours he would scream and i couldnt do anything to help him, it was horrible so i know how you feel :hug: we tried infacol but didnt make much difference and was recommended dentinox by a midwife and once i started using it (drop it into each of his bottles) he hardly ever had colic again! I seriously could have kissed the midwifes feet!! All babies are different obviously but it definaitly worth a try, i also got it on perscription so it was free :hug:
:hug: It really does sounds like you have mastitis, as it happens I've been the same the past two nights so I went to the docs today and got some antibiotics. Get yourself in asap as it's hard enough coping with a crying baby when you're fit and well let alone when you're poorly and mastitis is a horrible thing to have. :hug:
You definitely have mastitis... you need to see your doc asap... your LO probably has colic... its common at night and with most babies at some time... see if you can give some infacol or something similar or speak with you HV :hug: And take care of yourself :hug:
ok well the HV took one look at me and made me an emergency appointment with doctor.
our diagnosis - I have infectious mastitis in both boobs :shock: a possible start of an absess in the left one which they wil keep their eye on. both of us have thrush, Dylan in his mouth and bum and me in my nipples (my poor boobies are taking a right beating) and Dylan has colic.
So yea we're not having a good time of things. My neck and back have siezed up to the point i cant move them. I'd really appreciate if anyone can offer any advice.
Me and poor Dylan are just layed flat out on the sofa, his temperature is 99.9 he just keeps alternating between being really week and floppy to screaming. We are seeing the doctor everday for the next few days and obviously i wont leave his side. If he does manage any sleep tonight i'll be co-sleeping for the first time, i obviously wont leave him on his own hes too poorly :((
for the mastitus i can reccommend getting in the shower ( i know u wont want to but please do) running the hot water ( as hot as u can cope with) over your breasts and massage down along the lump and towards your nipple . this was told to me by nhs direct and although it didnt make it go away on its own ( need antibiotics) it helped no end for short term relief so you can try and feed
Aww hun thats bloody awful... Just make sure you bf, bf, bf.. if you introduce a bottle of formula or start with ebm now, it might make matters worse... Bfing will help drain the breasts... drink lots of fluids too... A natural remedy is cabbage leaves... but when I had mastitis, I just stayed in bed with lil miss all day and fed and fed and fed. DH took time off work, and he did everything else that needed to be done...

I really hope you both get well soon.. you're a star... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Edit to say too hun... if you feel at any time that your LO is getting worse...or if you can't get his temp below'll need to take him to the hospital what with him being so tiny. trust your instincts and just take him, don't bother with the GP, NHS Direct or out of hours doc. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Feed feed feed,

Put heat on them, massage them (while warm) feed straight after treating the area with warmth and massage, loosen constrictive clothing, keep checking position, vary nursing positions and rest.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Glad you both got seen by the doc - Hope you are noth feeling loads better real soon :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Feel better very soon, I think it clears up quite fast once the antibiotics kick in, hang on in there you really are having a rough time but doing so briliiantly :hug:
Thanks all for your support.

Kelsey-doctor put floppiness down to him being dehydrated, hes been feeding fine over last week so i dont understand it. il just keep feeding him.
and screaming fits are being put down as colic :(
I hope your both feeling better soon hun! :hug: :hug: :hug:
As Squiglet said already, if his temp stays high and cant be managed then take him to hospital! :hug: :hug: Poor little lad! And poor you too sweetie! :hug: :hug:
ijust read my post back it actually sounds like a joke that we managed to get all these things at the same time! poor baby Dylan, at least i know and understant that we've started treatment and should feel better in next few days

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