sorry but i need a moan!


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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I have had a lovely morning, its my wedding anniversary and i was awoken by my children whispering happy anniversary to me which was lovely, i got them ready for their first day at school and was happy to see them go in smiling! I then spent the morning with my other son, my brother came to see me which was lovely and then i got Harry ready for nursery and we had a slow walk to school. Now this is where it went wrong....

I was looking for Charles through the school fence and when i found him i was so sad. He was just depressed. I mean really sad. He sat on the tyres on the field for a bit alone then went and sat on the hill alone with a ball he had found i walked into school (they have put this stupid new fence up with a gate separating nursery and the rest of the school) I couldn't see him so i pushed through the gate and i found him sitting at the picnic benches with his head on the table. I got one of the kids to go get him then the dinner lady comes up and says that i am not allowed to be there- i just turned to her and said that i was worried about him, she soon disappeared cause she knew i was in no mood to be told i couldn't see my child.
He was sooooo sad!! He said he had nobody to play with (this is an ongoing thing that happens at school) I asked him to try finding someone and i would sort it out for him later. I walked away and looked back to see him just sitting there next to a post. I could of cried (i nearly did!) I feel so angry with myself i feel like i am letting him down.
i just don't know what to do for the best, i suppose i should talk to his teacher but with it being his first day in a new class she doesn't know him very well yet. He has real problems with his letters so can't read or write very well, he has always been a bit of a loner and plays alone alot but i just couldn't bear to see him this unhappy, he is normally fine at home but can be a bit quiet and needy.

I just had to share this as i felt so sad about it all.
oh hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: sending loads of :hug: for you and him, is there no way for the time beign till he has a few friends pick him up for lunch? and spend time with him in the play ground or even offer to become a playground attnedent? i know our school alows us to take the kids home for lunch if we want and if what happend last year happens to my son again this year i'll certianly be taking him for lunch :roll: wither that or speak to his teacher and even his head teacher that way you'll be abel to work with the school to encorage and help him :D
Awwww hun! dont beat yourself up over it!! you have done what you could at the time!! I would speak to the teacher and could you not suggest that they see if there is a buddy for him?? like maybe a new kid or someone feeling the same as him?? and get them to help each other!

I know when I was at school at first I was the same and used to cry and cry when my mam left me! I hated it and can still remember how I used to feel watching my mam leave me! BUT it did pass and I made friends! I wasnt very outgoing when I was younger and they gave me a buddy more someone that I was told I had to look after then the other way around??

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for your advice :) I could bring him home but its a bit awkward because i would have to pick him up but i don't want it to cause more social problems for him, i am worried that maybe he will never make friends if i do that :roll:

I have just done a bit of surfing and i am thinking that he might have a learning disability. I think the best thing i could do is speak to his teacher and ask to have him assessed. He is a lovely child and i have always worried about him as he is so thin, he only weighs 2st 11 and he is 6 years old. He also still has a dummy :oops: But he just gets really distressed if i try to take it away from him.
I am going to have a word with his teacher when i go pick him up soon.

The buddy idea is pretty cool so maybe that would work.

He is in year 2 now so has been with the same kids full time for 2 years, he has a few friends but they overpower him a bit i think and he can't cope with that.
My sister works in a first school so I will have a chat with her if you like and see what she suggests?? that's if you are ok with that??? xx :hug: :hug: xx
MrsBrightside said:
My sister works in a first school so I will have a chat with her if you like and see what she suggests?? that's if you are ok with that??? xx :hug: :hug: xx

Yeah thanks i would appreciate that hun xx
Cixes said:
MrsBrightside said:
My sister works in a first school so I will have a chat with her if you like and see what she suggests?? that's if you are ok with that??? xx :hug: :hug: xx

Yeah thanks i would appreciate that hun xx

not a problem I will give her a call tomorrow and drop you a pm to let you know what she advices! xxx
hiya darling, ive spoken to my sister... do u have msn cause ive got loads to ask you and it might be easier done in real time????

if you have add me

[email protected]

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