Sore throat...lockets safe or not?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2008
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Hello ladies and bumps :D

Just wonder if any of you know if its safe to have lockets/halls soothers? I have a reallys ore throat and well i'm rubbish at being ill :roll: and have heard conflicting stories about whether they are safe or not? Most people seem to say safe.. and i have a packet of lockets here which say no adverse affects reported in pregnancy :wink: but i just wanted to make sure!

ive had them in pregnancy with each of mine.

if you are worried though, buy some honey and lemon and put it in hot water. that's really good for sore throats and definitly safe!

hope you feel better soon
Thank you so much! I'm going to stick to the lockets and honey and hot water! Hopefully it will pass quickly!
i had lockets when was ill last week doctor told me not to have them after.

but can have honey + lemon which really helped me

i got glycerin honey and lemon lintus from boots the other day its £1.69 and safe to use, it works wonders
Is that on the shelf or over the counter? I'm happy to try anything thats safe, which means i can swallow again!

Still i reckon i might have a few more of these...being pg over the winter months!
I had a sore throat last week, and the only thing that really helped was Olbas Pastilles - in a little green box. They taste weird, but are very strong and natural and if you suck them rather than chew them, they totally numb your throat!! it also says on the box is safe during pregnancy

I had a sore throat last week, and the only thing that really helped was Olbas Pastilles - in a little green box. They taste weird, but are very strong and natural and if you suck them rather than chew them, they totally numb your throat!! it also says on the box is safe during pregnancy

I have been eating soothers because of a chest infection went doctors this morning he never told me not to eat them but gave me amoxicillin just wondered if that was safe????
Alex - I have those too hun, and from what i can tell almost everyone says they are safe, the Dr's are just being cautious. My Gp wouldnt even give me antisickness which was usually given for pregnant ladies as it was proved to be 100% safe as he didnt think it was safe enough :shock: still they gave it me at A+E because i was i think the GP's tend to air on the side of caution!
Lockets are fine, I had them when I was pregnant, both my Doctor and Midwife told me they are fine because they dont have anything medicines in them and also if you're still worried they can be found in the sweet rack at tills where any aged children can buy them

I found this on google:
As with most medicines, there are warnings on the back of the packet.
No adverse effects reported in pregnancy. Each lozenge contains 4.1g total sugars. Do not use if sensitive to any of the ingredients or if you suffer from sugar intolerance. High doses of glycerol can cause headache or stomach upset.

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