Sore nipples but not boobies?

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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sorry while i am on the subject of symptoms!

This time around, my nipples are really sore but my boobies are fine, last time it was more boobies that nipple!

Anyone else just have sore nipples? Seems to come and go during the day as well :think:
I have had sore nipples, not boobs. At the moment I am wearing vests underneath as opposed to bra because the bra hurts! (TMI sorry)
I had that when I was pregnant with my son....

I think it's common in early pregnancy x
99% of the soreness I have is directly on the nipple. And I have big knockers, so I'm constantly brushing something and going "YEOWW." :oops: The pain is not as bad as it was in earlier days, I don't think.... of course that could mean I've just gotten used to being sore.

Oh and I daresay I could get by without using plates ever again. All the crumbs from anything I eat just fall directly onto my boobs. I have to be really careful when eating out. :shock:
Yep am with you a this one, hurts so much when ever they brush against anything, it was sore nipples and being sleepy that made me think i needed to do a prgnancy test! had to take out my nipple piercing (TMI)

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