Sore Boobs


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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This doesnt apply to Jackson certainly :lol: its a personal one but im sure my problem has been since after having Jackson, so anyway..

For the past few months a week or so prior to period time my left boob developed a hard spot at the side and was sore as hell. It went away with period and has come back every month. This month i feel like i have literally just had af. I cant remember exactly as i have the copper coil atm. But already my boob is hard and sore and i have just noticed it on the right side now.

I didnt have this ever before. I hit puberty in primary and have always had same ish cycle regular and minus sore lumpy boobs. Jackson was Ff so thats notma factor...

Has anyone else had this? Feel a bit daft posting but its so out the norm for me. Im assuming its just change in hormones. I had implant in since I was 15 so not sure if now i have never had any hormones since jackson. But this has jus been the past 8-10m and now its two boobs.

I forgot to say I work in the breast cancer dept, hense the flapping. :lol: too many scary tales.
I'm not gonna speculate but you know contraception isn't 100% :shock: ;)

It could be down to hormones, is it a different one to the one you were on previously?

I have a lumpy cyst on the side of my left boob which would get 'lumpier' around my period but it never really hurt and never switched boobs. It sounds hormonal if it is now affecting both boobs. Have you had the coil for long? Could it be due to that? Xx
Ive had the coil for 2 years now though and nothing...

Id say its over the past year at most every month so I know it is related to my cycles but its never happened, and its like literally as if i have two lumps at the sides. Its awful.

Im pretty sure my last AF was like 2 weeks maybe coming up for 3, so isnt that super early for this sore boobs?

Im pretty sure they werent ever even this sore when I was pregnant I feel like my boobs have literally been punched!

My last contraceptive was the implant which I had from like 15-19, then I NTNP for a year but cycles were adapting so erratic, so I had my implant out 1 year then fell pregnant then since then Ive had the coil..

Its just sore as hell now and its starting to bug me, but at the same time I know sore boobs are common at time of month so I dont want to go to the Drs for them to laugh and teach me what little girls get each month :lol: :lol:
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Could they be leftover blocked milk ducts maybe, that flare up with hormones?

Worth a check either way
Theres being tender to touch and painful like youve been punched
Get them checked just incase xx
The copper coil does prevent implantation but it does not prevent fertilization. So at the end of your cycles even though you don't become pregnant your oestrogen will rise causing these symptoms. However any changes in the breasts that contain lumps and such should be checked out.
Could they be leftover blocked milk ducts maybe, that flare up with hormones?

This is what I thought? Cause it does feel like its in the ductal area, like the glads - its not like a nodule lump if that makes sense? Its more a swollen lump..

The copper coil does prevent implantation but it does not prevent fertilization. So at the end of your cycles even though you don't become pregnant your oestrogen will rise causing these symptoms. However any changes in the breasts that contain lumps and such should be checked out.

I know this, however - this has been an ongoing thing since 1 year, and Ive had my coil like 2 years.

I am sure it is something to do with actual pre periods - because even if this was due to fertilisation and I did OV I think it be too early DPO to have boobs this sore!

I will give it a mention, I was just wondering if it was only me thats body decided to suddenly change their period symptoms lol, thanks girls xxx
pre menstrual systems has to do with a rise in oestrogen. Regardless of fertilization or conception with no hormones interfering with your cycle with you being on a copper coil, it's a natural response for your body to increase oestrogen before your period and present pre menstrual symptoms..
Are the lumps on the outside of your boobs, like towards your arms?

pre menstrual systems has to do with a rise in oestrogen. Regardless of fertilization or conception with no hormones interfering with your cycle with you being on a copper coil, it's a natural response for your body to increase oestrogen before your period and present pre menstrual symptoms..

I am aware of this thank you, I have had pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms I know they are similar and I know its due to the hormone Oestrogen ;)
Are the lumps on the outside of your boobs, like towards your arms?

Id say like right round the side. But its like the actual breast tissue bits that are hard and swollen.

Thank you body for deciding to change it up on me :lol:
I'm thinking milk ducts - I overheard one of the mws saying to a FTM whilst she was helping with hand expressing that your milk ducts are on the outside edges of your boob, which is why you do the C shape when expressing. It could be that there's still small leftover blockages from when you were Jackson was a newborn and not all the colostrum/milk (whenever you stopped feeding) broke down fully. So when AF comes, you get that spurt of oestrogen and maybe it tries to dislodge the lumps or something?


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