Sore back/hips


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Hi all, not been for a couple of weeks, been busy trying to sort things out for selling my 1 bed flat and hunting for somewhere bigger to move into with OH.... but I've missed so much!

Anyway, for last few weeks I've had really bad lower back and hip pain, midwife reckons its pelvic girdle pain and has referred me to physio, but says I may have to wait a while on appt as I'm still quite early in pregnancy and women further on get priority :roll: fair enough i suppose

I wondered if anyone had seen an osteopath during pregnancy? I thought I'd go and see one, know they're normally recommended for bad backs, but not sure exactly what they would be able to do in pregnancy?

Hello to everyone thats new to TRI2 :wave:
Sorry to hear about your pains cinnamon81 :hug:

"Osteopaths use techniques such as soft-tissue massage and manipulation to treat problems with muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints." www.babycentre

Might be worth asking in the Ask A Mum board as to how they help and what happens, I really hope it eases for you though, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear about your aches, I have had a very sore lower back and base of the spine since 8 weeks which has got steadily worse.

My midwife said that it was the relaxin hormone in my body readying me for birth/labour etc. I'm not entirely convinced of this explanation. She did recommend swimming which is helping a bit to make my back more flexible. I've also been referred for physio but haven't had an appointment through yet.

I'd be interested to know if you find out whether you are allowed to see an osteopath while pregnant though :D
Wondered where you'd got too!!!
Only 2 more days left in second tri!
Hope you're feeling better soon
Thanks for replies girls, i'll post in Ask a Mum see what they say.

Mildly :o you've been waiting ages for your appt!! I'll be about due if have to wait as long as you have :roll:

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