Soooooo spotty!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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I dont know whats so spotty...... on my chest, back and my cheeks and even boobs :? still sooooo happy and not even the slightest bit irritated by it :cheer:

AF was due wed.....but now next Mon.....could this be a pg sign???? Im never THIS spotty, and never on my cheeks!!

Chazza xxx
possibly. i know a few people that got quite spotty in the early stages. i am the same at the minute. good luck hun. xx
Women often get spotty a couple of weeks in...could be!
Ooooooo ive just had goosebumps reading this, it does sound promising, ive looked into it now, but im not gonna get my hopes up (i dont wanna get them dashed) so i have my tampons at the ready....and ov sticks for next month.....just in case!! And ive had a random hankering for quiche since a friend mentioned it on sunday......weird, and ive weeeeeeed more than usual today....sooooo fingers crossed xxxxxxx
I did one today which was negative (i was originally due AF on 17th), i had a strong ovulation test on Monday 8th, so gonna test next on 22nd....that sound right xxxxxxx
hi hun
I am due af on sunday and I have spotty cheeks, on my back and on my boobs too weird but don't want to get my hopes up
Ive kind of got it into my mind that im not this month so i cant get let down lol but i have a really good fingers crossed :) xxx
I hope so, we didnt really "try" this months, but got some in on time i think ha ha! Lots of :dust::dust: for us both, and fingers crossed we get a :bfp: Sunday/ Monday xxx
Hi Chaza

It does sound promising, i had breakouts the first month with DD.

Good luck with your testing! I'll be watching for your bfp!!

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