Where is my AF!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hiya - I hope everyone is ok :D

I am now on CD30 and still no AF, my cycles are normally 27 or 28 days!!!

Not had many symptons really, just extremely sore boobs and very spotty, normally I get one but i have lots on my cheeks and chin!!! and very strange twinges in both ovaries now and again!

I did a test at about 2am this morning (first reponse one!) and it was clearly negative!!!

I know Ive had a lot on my mind this month as the company I work for is closing down so we are being made redundant (got sorted with another job thank god!), so could this of caused my AF not to show up yet?

Do you think I should wait and test maybe again at the weekend?


Kate xx

PS Ignore ticker I think its a day too much!!!
:wave: I think having a lot on your mind (and I am sure you are also stressed with your job changing) that this is 1 reason why your af not turned up yet. A couple of days before my af was due in september I had a mega stressful time and my af did not turn up until cd 78 and I am convinced(sp) that it did not turn up because I was sooo stressed.

Another reason why AF has not turned up for you yet is because you could be pregnant :pray: the symptoms you have all sound very good. If I was you I would test again at weekend, although I would not last and would have to poas first thing in morning :rotfl: :rotfl:

:hug: :hug:
Hello Mrs. H, I sympathies with you, I’m also CD30 and still no AF!!!! I have also done one too many HPT and they all have clearly been a BFN. I have had a few symptoms, lower back pain, twinges in both ovaries and AF cramps, but no bloody AF or BFP. How frustrating!!!!!!

Sorry to hear about your being made redundant, but at least you have found something else. It may be that your AF is late due to worrying about it all, but chin up and test again at the weekend. Let’s hope you have a BFP in a few days.

Love Lou.xx

Thank you for your replies ladies :D

On CD 31 still no AF!!!! How annoying is this!! Had a few cramps this morning but still nothing, Im up and down to the loo keep checking!!

Driving me insane :wall:

Kate x

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