Sooooo Busy!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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I just wanted to say that im sorry i dont reply to alot of the posts, i wish i could, but i just dont have time!!!! I wish i could.
Im now back to work, and i do two 14 hour days a week, but have had to do more since OH isnt bringing home any money at the moment due to his OP. Its really getting me down, Charlie is being a little monkey at the moment, and we dont know what to do with her, it takes us about 3 hours to get her to bed. She used to be so good, and has slept through on many occasions, but its all going tits up and i dont know why. She is now waking uo 5/6 times a night for feeds or for her bloomin dummy. Im shattered!!!
Plus im missing lots of my beloved world cup!!!! :shakehead: its just not good!!!
Awwww Hels (((hugs))) I'll buy you a double on Monday to help you through it ok??
tell charlie that i say she has to sleep for mummy as she is a good mummy and very busy
You sound like your going through the mill at the moment. It horrible when your baby seems fine one min and then can be a total pain in the bum the next. Get yourself lots of alcohol and watch the footy you deserve it :D
LMAO Kim, your on!!!
Its just a nightmare, its not doing alot for OH and I, were both tired and a little snappy.
Ill tell Charlie what you said Sarah!!! She'l be waking soon m sure lol.

Maybe she is waking because of a change in her routine, with ur OH laid up?

Hope things get better for you soon


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