The beauty of "me time"


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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For the last 2 weekends we have had friends staying with us, and its been really good fun.

But im really feeling the pinch of not having had ANY time to myself.

Usually OH works saturdays and im off so I have a whole day once a week to myself, and I love it - I dont really do much but just lounge around and relax and chill out for the day. I think its vital to have that time.

So anyway today im feeling really, dunno....not down or depressed or anything, just that I cant be bothered and wish I could go home and have some time to myself lol

Does anyone else feel the same if they dont have any "me time" ??
Me..some days I feel like i'm just a Mum, Weekends are my 'Me time'....go back to work end of April though so that will soon end :(

I rarely get time alone, I have to make do with a long bath every night with my Lush stuff in and a good book. It works wonders for me.
I never had any 'me time'
there is always someone in the house annoying me i.e. my brother and sister
I share my room with my sister too so dont get any time in there either :evil:

I cant wait to move out lol
glitzyglamgirl said:
Does anyone else feel the same if they dont have any "me time" ??

Every weekend since Dan was born, We have either had visitors or had to visit people. Off to my Dads this Sunday, my brothers girlfriends leaving do the following weekend, but the weekend after that I am not doing ANYTHING. Looking forward to it!
Urchin said:

I rarely get time alone, I have to make do with a long bath every night with my Lush stuff in and a good book. It works wonders for me.

you know what that sounds perfect, think I'll do that tonight and just chill :D
comin on here is my me time, everythin else - cookin, cleanin, havin a bath - Jamie is with me lol :lol:
yep love long soaks in the bath, i have to have my time too...mainly to lie on the sofa and watch crap telly the sort that DH will moan about, eat chocolate and generally turn my brain off, which has always proven difficult. I used to hate being on my own...but i kinda like it now...especially when you still get to cuddle up to DH at the end of the night
Wednesday nights are my me time as hubby always works late on Wed. I usually get Arianna bathed and bedded by 7.30pm then I have a long bath with nice smelly stuff, then put on my PJ's open a bottle of wine, sit in front of the TV watching all the stuff I have Sky +'d from the week that hubby wont watch with me (ie. America's Next Top Model!!) and do my nails etc.

I LOVE me time!!
see now i am the oppisiit all mytime is me time as hubby works all day and i dont see anybody so i get very bored so when it comes to the weekend and hubby is off it is nice to spend time together as i get very lonely.
I get "me time" from 6am - 6pm when hubby is at work, I've no step-children living at home anymore (although they were at school 8-4 before that anyway) and got another 4 months before pudding arrives. Thank god for online shopping and lunches with girlfriends!!! I do get peeved if I can't get some time out alone though, i.e. I used to get really cross towards the end of school summer holidays or weekends when everyone was home demanding attention all the time....even 10 minutes pottering around my bedroom helps I hate not getting much needed alone time as much as I love being with people etc I love my own company sometimes too!

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