Soooo ....

Hi im 31 as is oh we have been ttc #1 for a year - married year ago next week!

Im 28 and OH is my toyboy at 25 :)

Weve been together 8 years, married 3 and we have been ttc #1 for 3 years.
I'm 26, OH is 31 - TTC our first - I can relate to all the dog comments hehe, we love and spoil our dog so much & are very much ready to extent that love to a family of our own :) Been off my pill since January 2012 but my next cycle will be the first that we are going to be actively trying & using OPKs, checking temp etc

Good Luck to everyone :) This link was a good idea, it's nice to get to know people :)
I am KT Im 27 and ttc #4 xx

we have been married for 5 years in september x
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Im going to be 25 in two weeks, bee with the OH for a year this is TTC 1 for both of us :)
I'm 27 so is oh and we want baby number one....been trying 3 yrs

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I'm 33, OH is 34 and trying for number one for 9 months x
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hi! i'm 32 my oh is 37 and trying for our 2nd, just started!
Hi I'm 27 (there seems to be a lot of us this age in here!) and my oh is 29, been together almost 3 years, ttc number 1, second month trying x
I'm 27, DH is 42, married for just over a year, been TTC baby #1 for about 3 months (but we keep getting too tired for sex and missing my ovulation window lol!) To be honest we're not trying very hard as such - not using ovulation predictor kits or anything yet, just trying to be super chilled out as apparently being a bit clinical about it all = stress which = trouble ttc. Sooo we're just chillin :D and I want a boy! haha! xx
My OH and I are both 28 and have been ttc our first for 9 months, although I've wante to be a mama for about 10 years!!

Been with my oh for 3 years this July and I'm so happy I found him, he's amazing :) i'd ideally want a boy first to look just like my oh as he's gorgeous!!!

Im 24 years old, ttc first child. This is my second cycle, had chemical pregnancy on the first...hopefully be better news this time!

Oh and I have been together 7.5 years now :)
Hi, I'm 28 (for another 6 days anyway!) and OH is 30. We have been together 4 1/2 years and are ttc no 1.
I'm 20 and OH is 25 and we are t the begginning of our 1st and couldn't be happier! :D
I'm 25 and we are trying for our first baby, we have been trying a year now. We are the same as some of you, got a dog and treat her like our baby
Hiya, We are ttc our first baby together, it'll be my 4th and his 3rd lol. Im 35, soon to be 36, so really hoping to get pregnant this year!

We have been together for 5 years this month and have been umming and arring over whether to have a child together for a long time, we finally made our minds up to ttc, even though between us we'll have 7 kids (ARGHHHHHH! Ive just realised I must be BONKERS! lol)

The main reason we took so long deciding is because I have had 3 c sections and was told I really couldn't have another one due to scar tissue but its been 11 years so Im hoping Ive healed enough to carry another, last one was planned prem so I suppose this one will be the same (I say "this one" like Im already expecting! lol)

Good luck on your journey xx
Hello everyone, I'm 27 my OH is 30 we have been married a month and TTC #1. It's our fourth cycle and I'm already fed up so hugs to all those ladies who've been trying much longer- if we get to cycle 9 and no luck we are going on holiday and then getting a dog!

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