Soo lazy these days!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I feel so lazy and Im finding it a bit hard getting bigger and closer to due date... Get up in morning and put on my comfy clothes and maternity top and wear it all day and cant even be bothered putting on my makeup anymore and even my little girl asked what happened to you mummy!! Lol...
I feel nothing like a big whale at moment and feel there is no point making effort trying to look good, feel sorry for my OH aswell..

Do u feel like that too?

I think I could stay in the house to I had the baby!!
hey Yvonne lovely to hear you. Im off fb will pm you my email address.

Lets face it you are most definitely gifted in the looks department so you would look good in a black plastic bin bag with a boil on your nose, people would still say you were gorgeous! Dont worry about that man of yours he's a lucky bugger

Big hug lovely lady xxxx
Hi!! So good to hear from you, thats why I havent seen much of u on FB... aww thank u but thats not true haha.. You look brilliant yourself miss!! Really hope you are all good??? hows pregnancy coming along? xxx
I'm getting lazy too. Not got a whole lot done today. Heading into town soon and really can't be bothered to go or to even put a bit of mascara on. Will be fine once on the way but the thought of getting out my comfy chair and getting motivated is too much.
Meh, today i have fed the rabbit, watched tv, slept, had lunch, considered more sleeping, watched more tv, had someone check the insulation in the loft and now i'm back to watching tv. No doubt i'll be in trouble later for not having gone out to get something for dinner, but its too hot and i'm too tired
Im good thanks darlin its all going well and am fine, Im having a pretty easy pregnancy now...the weather doesnt help does it ladies.

PS youre still bleedin gorgeous you luck mare :)

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