Soo down


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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I dunno where to put this so i'l put it here....

Its comin up to six months on the 7th that me and dan(my ex) split up

I thought i was doin soo wel but i'm not i'm not over him at all....I'm not in love with him and i don't wanna be with him but its the hurt i can't get over :cry: :cry: :cry:

I've just seen he's mum with dan and leane in the car and it has upset me soo much :(

i'm sat here cryin

Its annoyed me as wel as dan's mum said she would never be friends with leane( for those who don't know he left me for her when keeley was 3 months old)

And leane doesn't see keeley and i trusted his mum but now i dunno whether to belive or not that leane hasn't been seein keeley :roll: :roll:

I know leane wil meet keeley eventually but not yet and i know i have to come to terms with that....

But i really thought the hurtin would have stopped now but it hasn't.... I can't trust anyone even when people are bein geniunly(sp) nice to me i accuse them of somethin :(

I used to be quite an out going person never worried about anythin or anyone.... but now i worry to go out incase i see dan and leane and if i do what do i do? And when dan has keeley i try not to go out as i don't wanna see him with her on the of chance leane is with them :(

I'm such a mess :cry:
hun i know how u feel im the same bout my ex one minute i hate him the next i dunno how i feel about him but i miss him, does that sound crazy?
my ex has hurt me in so many ways but somehow i still manage to think bout him everyday etc
im always here if u need to tlk sweetie
aww hun :hug: Again i feel the same, although i am still in love with my ex so slightly diff. But like the advice u give to me, u have a gorgeous baby girl and of course its going to be difficult as you still have to talk to him bout Keeley etc.

It will get better, and i know that prob doesnt help
Lots of :hug: :hug:

Tori x x x
awww hun im sorry you feel low what an awful position to be in your ex deserves a slap maybe have a word with his mum tell her how ur feeling sounds like you need a good chat and a big :hug: :hug: :hug: hope u feel better soon
Aww hun im so sorry to hear u feel this way.

Its completely understandable that you are feeling like this & you find it hard to trust anyone after what he's done to you grrrr. Things like this take alot of time to get over & onw minute you will feel ok and the next you will feel gutted and upset.

Of course it still hurts, you were with the man you loved him & had a child together but you are a strong person and have a right to be happy too, be strong honey and get through today as tomorrow will be brighter!

Sorry if thats a loads of blurb!! Just wanted to give you these too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: i dont know what to say.. .but if u need to chat you nko were i am...
Hiya hun
Just want to let you know,
if you want to chat some more tomorrw,
just send me a text, i should 99% be able to reply!

Take care tomorrow hun
You should keep Keeley entertained or sleep for a while and pamper yourself like you said, it will make you feel a whole lot better

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww hunni i hope your alright.

you know where i am if you wanna talk :) :hug: :hug:
Awwww Nic, I've only just seen this hun. I am sooooo sorry to hear you are feeling down.
The wound is still fresh so I am not surprised you are still feeling emotions like this, it is not an easy thing that you are having to deal with here babe. You gave your life to this (man? I have difficulty calling him that as he is not a man if he did this to you) and he threw your love & commitment back in your face, that cannot be debated.
There are no words I can offer to make this any easier, I just know deep down that you will come out of this on top. You are a really lovely person Nic, you are warm, friendly, funny & an excellent mum to your one can take that away from you.
Your confidence needs a boost, as you are a far better person than you currently beleive.
You may not be looking for Prince Charming just yet hun, but somewhere down the line you'll meet someone who loves & appreciates you and makes you feel like a princess, until then you have a daughter who loves you more than the world, and regardless of whether she has or hasn't met this Leane - you & only you are her world!
Hope you are feeling a bit better today hunni :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: ahh Nic, I don't really know what to say, I can imagine how awful a situation it is and I don't blame you for not trusting anyone as you have been hurt, I hope you start to feel better soon, just remember we are all here if you need to talk :hug: :hug:
Awwww Hun I am so sorry.

It is still early days hun; so give yourself time.

You are a very strong person and a fantastic Mummy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I feel a lil better today i'm just gonna take it one day at a time :)
Nic babe only just seen this, you arebound to have bad days hun he let you down in the worst way possible, and youve been through it all since with him, theres bound to be a time when enough is enough and you have a cry etc but you have done so well and you have proved you dont need him, keeley is such a happy little lady and thats what YOUVE done not him you do not need him treating you the way he did and i think you are so strong to have come through some of the stuff you have still smiling, :hug: here when you need me hun

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