Sometimes you forget


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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...that our babies are our husbands / partners babies too and that they come to know them and their little quirks and preferred ways of doing things just as well as we do:lol:
I took out little man to kindergarten this morning and left the princess with daddy as it was's about a 15 min drive there and obviously the same again back and by the time I arrived home again, hubby had, fed, changed and put the little madam down for her morning nap. In between having his breakfast.
He had tucked her in the way she likes, given her her favourite cuddly and had washed and popped the empty bottle in the steriliser.
It just made me realise that I'm NOT the only one who can take care of her and that her daddy is just as capable and pays just as much attention to her as I do:)
He's always been fab with our older boy, I think I just didn't give him enough opportunities to be so hands on with him when he was a baby.
He's headed back out onto the farm now and i'm sat here n peace and quiet with a coffee feeling very appreciative :dance:
Oh that's so nice to hear. We're only a few weeks into being a mummy and daddy and a couple of times I've been amazed with hubby and his intuition of what to do when Harry has needed something
Aww..he looks gorgeous Becky!
Yep, definitely think we don't give our OH's enough credit when it comes to knowing how to take care of the little ones. If we can learn how to do it, there's no reason they can't. Think we just need to have a little bit of faith in them and give them the opportunity to learn.
There's no point in complaining that you have to do everything for the baby if you've never allowed hubby to learn.... :)
I know some people have had real difficulties with their LOs but I have to say mine is fantastic and I couldn't have done this without him. He is so supportive and can see when I've hit the edge and takes straight over and does a bloody good job. Doing things his way with LO isn't doing things wrong, it's just doing it differently I've come to realise. And she is very well looked after when with her daddy. xxx
You guys have got some great partners there!

Phil has generally been very good. He's particularly good when im at boiling point and will take baby away so I can calm down and sleep if necessary. I don't know how I would have managed a few times if he wasn't there to help.

He struggles to get her to sleep though, which I do as well which is a shame. I'd love for him to put her to bed of an evening lol
Probably my oh will not even change a diaper....he Dosent even hand wash a pan because he Dosent want to get his hands dirty...he Dosent eat chicken fit the same reason lol...
Wait to hear me whining here in 5 months.....
Iriki you are so so lucky really :love:
Mark isn't too bad normally I'd expressed some milk for harry while I'd jumped in the shower and he'd fed him changed him and put his jammies on and they were both fast asleep on the sofa. Most of the time it is just me and the baby because he works odd shifts and late nights but when they're together it's so cute to watch :)
What a lovely thread! Most of the time its us lot moaning about our OHs. Rick was alright didn't get up much in the night and didnt really give me many lie ins but since I got my 2nd bfp a few weeks ago he's realised why I've been so tired and waking up feeling sick and hes been such a star, changing many a dirty nappy in the morning when I'm wretching, when he used to do 1 x month. In fact about 7 o clock this morning I had to wake him up after he was up with charlie several times in the night (to give me a rest) to change a nappy. He said sorry for not waking up with him and offered to take him down and let me have a lie inwhich would have been fab but I felt mean and he looked shattered, so he's back asleep in bed whilst I've ironed his favourite shirt and made his lunch and breakfast...sometimes they aren't that bad at all. At times when its taken me 2 hrs to try and get c back to sleep he will take over and 2 mins later hes gone xx
Ahhhh, they're not a bad bunch really are they ladies...some real stars there!!
It's a learning curve for all of us and as Hellywelly said just because they do something differently to us doesn't mean they're doing it wrong :)

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