sometimes I just don't feel pregnant


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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sometimes I still can't believe that I am pregnant and although my bump is growng and my boobs always hurt ... I still worry that something might go wrong...

does anyone else feel like this.

I think because I have been waiting for this baby for nearly 15 years and had really given up trying several years ago as I am now 40 and we thought it was just never going to happen ... this really is a miracle baby but I am so worried that something might go wrong and keep wondering how my little baby is doing ???

am i just being paranoid... everyone says you can stop worrying in the 2nd trimester but hey ho !!!
:hug: I still cant believe I am pregnant, only the tiredness and bigger tummy make it real!!

I dont think I will believe it until I am holding LO in my arms

You arent alone chicky xxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm with you there too!
It still seems hard to believe for me too.
Can you feel any movement yet? That helps things seem a bit more real.
I don't think the worry will ever go though - even when they're born!
Theres some days when i feel about 8 months pregnant and other i don't feel pregnant at all. My bump has dissappered at the minute and i think hes lying in my back cos that were all the kicks are. But apart from the kicks at night i sometimes don't feel pg and i'm still scared something is going to go wrong. I feel like i can't be that lucky to have 3 heathly babies and i must be due some bad luck.
lucybee, not sure whether i have felt movement or not yet

when I lay down in my bed at night I feel like somethings is a stange sensation, like wind whirling round in my tummy.. not sure if that is that b aby or not...

can't wait to feel real kicks.. when did everyone else start to feel movement ?
Different people vary as to when they first start feeling real kicks, but what you're describing sounds like bubba moving to me!

Just wait till your bump is changing shape as your LO is busting a move inside you!!
i've been having the ligament type pains the last few days my bump seems to have grown conseiderably and popped out of my pelvis!! does this make sense. I haven't felt any movements yet either hopefully soon. :pray:

i've been feeling sick the last couple of days again as well i think its cos im so tired!! so at the moment i feel pregnant but i know what you mean fiona, a couple of weeks ago i was saying to everyone i don't feel pregnant!! :lol:

Hope you are well, whens your 20 week scan fiona? mines next thurs!! :wave:
Its very hard to take in being pregnant and the prospect of being a new mum is a huge worry in itself!!!

Your so not alone Fiona :hug:
I cant believe it either! sometimes i worry that something wrong will happen cos im too unlucky to be blessed with a wonderful Oh and a baby at the same time
I still can't really believe I'm pregnant but I'm having my LO tomorrow so guess it will hit me then :rotfl:

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