Something old, something new, something borrowed and ....


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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something blue.

Following on from the garter thread what were yours...

Something Old: My Necklace I wore was my Mums that she left to me. It is a gold chain with diamonds on it that come down in a V shape
Something New: My dress/flowers
Something Borrowed: Diamond Earrings from my sister
Something Blue: My bracelet, gold, diamond and sapphire
Something Old: A coin which my uncle dave (now dead) gave my my mum & dad on their wedding day
Something New: Dress
Something Borrowed: The coin which my mum & dad later gave to us as a gift :)
Something Blue: My Garter
Something old - MIL's old charm bracelet
Something new - Dress, underwear
Something borrowed - SHoes from my sister who got married the year before
Something blue - Blue ribbon on my garter
Old = My Nan, shes 89 bless her!
New = Dress, jewellery, undies, bouquet
Borrowed and Blue = My garter
old - my engagement ring is made up of the diamond from my granny's engagement ring and 2 of my mums so they're old
new - dress, shoes, husband!!
borrowed - necklace and earrings off my mum
blue - my wedding dress had a blue ribbon sewn into it
Old: my great great grandma's rings
New: I had a LOTR's necklace and earring set
borrowed: My gradma's ring... she gave it to my mum before she died and she wants to be buried with it so it was mos definitely borrowed
Blue.... EVERYTHING!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: my dress, garter, roses, veil were either blue or had blue on them in the caseof my veil :)
Something Old: silver sixpence
Something New: dress & jewelry
Something Borrowed: same silver sixpence (altough I lost it after the wedding so still haven't given it back :oops: )
Something Blue: stitching on the dress and jewelry

Very economical :D

I was also told by the older relatives that the rhyme finishes "with a silver sixpence in her shoe" but I didn't bother with it in the shoe :D
Something old : geez I can't remember - what the hell WAS my something old?
Something new : wedding dress of course ;)
Something borrowed : my mam's necklace
Something blue : garter
And a silver sixpence in her shoe?

I did them, can't remember what they were though! :oops:
I remember the something blue was a little blue ribbon on my garter. I bought a sixpence from my Dad's year of birth and gave it to him later as a little memento.
OLD: Was the place we got married.
NEW: My dress and Jewelry.
BORROWED: Hired Favour basket.
BLUE: Garter.

SILVER SIX PENCE FOR HER SHOE: From the year my dad was born. xxx

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