Something has arrived ...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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And it's my DUE DATE! No sign of baby though Grrr :shakehead:

So i've been on raspberry leaf tea for weeks, burning and bathing in clary sage oil for about a week, tried lots of walking, bouncing, hot food, and a lil bit of the 'sexy time' (when I can pursuade oh he won't hurt me or the baby!) and still no sign :dohh:

Got a midwife appointment this afternoon so gonna beg for a sweep if she doesn't offer me one, and see if that gets things moving. I have a feeling im in for the long haul here, although oh is convinced Thursday will be the day, i'm not so sure.

I literally have zero patience at the best of times, i've waited like a good girl for the past 9 months and she should be saying hello today... she obviously has my twisted sick sense of humour and is just sitting in there chuckling to herself about how she's making me wait!!!

Sorry for the lil rant, just needed to vent! Hope you ladies are all ok?! x
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Happy due date!! I be it's frustrating to meet due date and no sign of baby though lol! Yeah you never know, you could go at any time! X
Thanks hun, just need to try and find some patience from somewhere before I drive myself mad! I know that most first babies are late so trying to keep sensible about it, but i'm not very good at the waiting game!!

Oh well, at least she'll definitely be here, one way or another in a couple of weeks!
How exciting though, it could be any minute xxx
my 2nd came on his due date in the evening :)

not long now id sleep the rest of the time away hee hee
Happy due date hun!
Hopefully you won't be kept waiting too long now!
Good luck, hope things start moving for you soon!
Thanks ladies :lol: i'm keeping everything crossed (barr my legs!) that things move along by themselves, I really don't want to be induced if i can help it!!
Good luck and hope baby arrives soon! I'm very impatient too and i still have 5 weeks to go!! :)
Happy due date! I'd be exactly the same as you, my friend went 2 weeks over not sure I could cope with that! Fingers crossed for today :)

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