someone plz help me chill out!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I really need some one to help me chill out coz i am going mad here!!! i am i am a nervous wreck and i dont know why, all i do is woory about the baby being ok and i freak out if s/he doesnt kick for a little bit, it is getting to the point whare i am using my doppler umptine times a day coz i am getting my seld worked up and if the heart beat slows down even the littlest bit i get scared. I must sound really stupid but i am really scared i am going to do myself more harm thatn good worrying:(
OK hun take a deep breathe. I totally understand that you are worried, its normal, we all worry about our babies. However it sounds as though you making yourself ill worrying so much and this is not good for you or your little one.

Pregnancy can bring up some major anxiety issues, even if you never had a problem with your nerves or depression before.

I really think it would help you to give your midwife a call and ask her if you can have a chat. Explain how nervous you are and how you are worrying yourself sick. Tell her about your fears and she will do her best to help you work through them. Even if it only cuts them down a little that will help!

I found this article hun

Is it common to be anxious a lot during pregnancy?
Pregnancy brings out the worrywart in all of us. And for good reason: You're growing a life inside of you.

It's natural to fret about what you eat, drink, think, feel, and do. It's also perfectly normal to worry about whether your baby is healthy, how this new person will change your life and relationships, and whether you're truly up to the task of parenthood. But if your anxiety is becoming all-consuming and regularly interferes with your day-to-day functioning, it's time to find a better way to deal with it.

To start, gently share your fears with your partner — even if they're about him. Chances are he's harboring concerns of his own. Communicating openly about your anxiety can help you both feel better. Turn to friends or family members for support, too. Other moms-to-be are another source of support, as they're probably experiencing the same worries you are.

If you're extremely anxious or have a specific reason to be concerned about your baby's health, share your concerns with your caregiver. If anxiety still plagues you after you've aired your worries and checked in on your baby's well-being, professional counseling can help you get to the bottom of your troubles.

I have a lot of stress in my life right now. Will it affect my baby?
While everyday pressure is a part of modern life, a high level of chronic stress can boost your odds of preterm labor or of delivering a low-birthweight baby. If you're used to caring for others or giving 110 percent at work, making yourself a priority may seem unnatural or even selfish. But taking care of yourself is an essential part of taking care of your baby. Cutting down on stress — or learning how to manage it — makes for a healthier pregnancy.

How can I calm down?
Here are a few ways to manage your stress and reduce anxiety at work and at home:
• Practice saying "no." Now's as good a time as any to get rid of the notion that you can do it all. You can't, so learn to let your superwoman ideals go. Make slowing down a priority, and get used to the idea of asking your friends and loved ones for help.

• Cut back on chores — and use that time to put your feet up, nap, or read a book.

• Take advantage of sick days or vacation whenever possible. Spending a day — or even an afternoon — resting at home will help you get through a tough week.

• Try deep-breathing exercises, yoga, or stretching.

• Get regular exercise such as swimming or walking.

• Do your best to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet so you have the physical and emotional energy you need.

• Go to bed early. Your body is working overtime to nourish your growing baby and needs all the sleep it can get.

• Limit "information overload." Reading pregnancy books, surfing pregnancy Web sites, and listening to your friends' pregnancy stories are fine — but don't delve into all the scary things that might (but probably won't) happen during your pregnancy. Focus instead on how you're feeling and what's happening to you now.

• Join (or create!) a support group. If you're coping with a difficult situation, spending time with others in the same boat can ease your burden.

• If you're under unusual stress or feel like you're at your breaking point, ask your healthcare provider to refer you to a therapist, who can better assess how strong your anxiety has become and what you may need to do to feel better. Listen openly to what she has to say. Getting help during pregnancy will protect you and your baby from unnecessary risks and reduce your chances of postpartum anxiety and depression.
thankyou for posting melanie, I thought i was being silly. I have suffered from anxiety pretty badly for the past year or so, i can thank my ex bf for that, and my pregnancy is making it worse, i just want my little babs to be ok:)
you know what little lady this is whati prescribe for you

Take a bottle of wine. Open it slowly. Sniff the contents. Take a small wine glass. Pour the wine into it until its nearly over spilling.
Drink the glass of wine. Slowly , savouring every mouthful.
take your doppler. place it on a hard floor. Get a hard object. Maybe a brick if the floor with withstand otherwise a hard shoe.
Samsh the doppler into smitherines.

Repeat phase one

Lat on settee and watch your fave film eating what ever tickles your fancy.

lol budge, littleladys next reply will be khfoaueriage irgaisgfracgi asigdhigh because she'll be to drunk to type! lol

alcohols always a good help :wink:
Tho I have gone totaly of alcohol so I tend to hurt my OH,
it always makes me feel better :D

Im sure your cute lttle baby in there will let you know if theres something wrong littlelady. Maybe the little sod is playing games with you.
you need to chill out littlelady and really i mean it - get rid of the doppler.
I agree dopplers are crap, ive only heard my baby on it a few times. I get really worried that somethings wrong when I cant find it. I think their crap... they lead to, to much worrying!
I am also a worrier Littlelady but at my 20 week scan mentioned this and the sonograoher said once past the 20 week scan the likeliehood (sp?) of something going wrong is so small it is not worth worrying about. She said that as long as you don't take drugs, smoke or drink lots of alcohol on a daily basis the baby will be fine.

I agree with the others, treat yourself to a glass of wine or some hagan daaz and relax. Could you get some time of work? It would probably do you the world of good :)

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