Someone please knock me back into reality!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
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I really need some help. I think I ovulated last week, I'm not even sure really as I haven't been doing temps this month. Ever since last week I have noticed every single pain in my stomach, boobs, and every other part of my body. I am always on the internet researching pregnancy symptoms and I am constantly agonizing over every pain and wondering if it's related to pregnancy.

I know its too early for pregnancy symptoms. I really don't think I'll be pregnant this month anyway. Even if I did conceive, I won't know for at least another week and a half. Why am I doing this to myself? I feel like it is taking over my life and I don't want to spend every 2ww like this.

Will someone please tell me to get a grip! :oops: :cry:
Kimberly, I am exactly the same and it is exhausting and distressing. We build our hopes up and convince ourselves this is the month and then we're back to square one :cry:
I am beginning to think there is something wrong with me which is why i can't conceive. People around me seem to be having no problems getting pregnant.
You can always pm me if you want a chat... maybe we could both knock some sense into each other :hug:
i am just the same, i have recently started TTC, and i think about every ache and pain!!!

i think it is normal!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:

Hunni I think we're all the same when it comes to our 2ww. Every single last thing that we could possibly relate to being a symptom we do!

My DH was winding me up last month that there was an urban myth that pregnant women see more yellow cars so I found myself driving to work looking out for and counting yellow cars!!!! :oops: :shock: :oops: :rotfl:

I've convinced myself every month so far that I'm getting all the symptoms so this must be my month and then I've been dissapointed when AF has arrived.

This month I'm going to try and stop myself from thinking about symptoms and just try to think about what would I think the symptom was if I wasn't TTC. Don't know if it will work or not but I'm going to give it a try.

Good luck hun and remember......we all do it!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
:rotfl: : @ yellow car myth. That's the type of thing i fall for too :oops: :shock: :D
Thanks ladies. I had a feeling I wasn't the only one. I just don't know how to stop! I know it will happen when its meant to happen. :wall:
:hug: :hug: most of us feel this way hun :hug: :hug: Not sure what you can do but if you know let me in on the secret :wink: :hug:

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