It happens before and during ovulation - it's the type of cervical fluid that sperm travels easiest in, so it's nature's way of getting those soldiers to where they need to be. So any time you get EWCM, it's time to get jiggy!!
As I'm very new here and haven't had much of a chance to be on this forum, I'm a bit green with all the terms, for instance EWCM so this is something I should keep a look out for when coming up to ovulation?
ok silly me, just after posting this I see that there's a nice explanation thread at the top of this forum page and all the different terms are in there, so getting myself updated now
I seen my fertility doctor today who did a ultrasound to see if i had
ovulated this month i had a rupted follicel on the left ovary which means i ovulated
7 days ago i never seen any ewcm this month only white cm which i am still having now
I asked him about this ewcm and he said not every lady gets it and its not needed
you can get pregnant with out it .. Well i hope he is right !!
I also never got a positive opk this month but still i ovulated
i started testing day 12 got a darkish line but not darker than the band
and everyday after that for 7 days it was very faint ..
He said throw the tests away they are rubbish and dont always tell you
when you are ovulating even though you have ..
They cause stress ( Is this the month ) etc and said to try natural
with out the help of doing temprature or using opks etc
Its easy for them to say but when your trying to get pg we need to know
when to bed dont we xx
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