some people should not be allowed kids

Another child let down by the system :( Why was the baby allowed back into their care after his early leg and rib fractures, particularly when drug use was witnessed in the home by a social worker?

some people should be FORCED to have hystorectomies/the snip.

RIP little man. Your 'parents' did not deserve you. Be happy where ever you are
Poor little boy, I hope those murdering *******s pay for what they have done.
Kina said:
Another child let down by the system :( Why was the baby allowed back into their care after his early leg and rib fractures, particularly when drug use was witnessed in the home by a social worker?

thats what i don't understand.

Also they only got 5 years each so they will prob be out in 3 and a half!!
It's so sad the poor mite didn't even see his first Xmas :(
keslo66 said:

some people should be FORCED to have hystorectomies/the snip.

totally agree.. and im sorry but 5 years for killing a baby WTF thats nothing should be given life ..they have taken a life afterall and then they should be steralised after release to prevent the sick *******s from doing this again.

i have worked with children in care who have been seriously neglected /abused and i can tell u now that our childrens act needs updating and changing FAST beofre this happens again ..

RIP little neo :pray:
That's flaming awful! Would just like to say though that social services aren't actually always to blame. I know two people who have had children taken from them by social services and then once it goes to court the judge rules for the child to go home. Social services hands are tied by judges who don't know much about the situation. They read a report and then they decide. The system is totally wrong right now.
thats so awful poor little baby :cry: xxxxxxxx
There are some truely sick and self people out there- the other comment made about the social services is right, some of the time judges go against recommendations given by health care professionals, ss or teachers. But budget and red-tape has alot to do with it to. I once had a little girl in my class who came to school with clear hand print bruising to her face and had a history of "family difficulties" which were known by ss. We refused to allow mum to take her home and called ss- they said we don't have anywhere to place here at this short notice, (the local home was closed down 3 years prior), and we have to monitor the situation- so they allowed her to go home. A few months later the little girl was hospitalised with sever head injuries and broken ribs!
i can't read it because things like that get me so mad and play on my mind. I don't understand how anyone could hurt an innocent baby/child. What kind of sick B*****s are these people! I'd have no worries about giving them the same treatment... i'd even offer to do it myself.

h x
It's deplorable that they get five years for killing a child... :evil:

there was a woman in Spain recently who dumped her newborn baby in a flower bed in Valencia... she is being procecuted for attempted manslauter just because she wrapped the baby in a towel and did not clothe it properly... they consider that attempted manslaughter over here.. ... 3506.shtml

People who kill kids because they have "drug problems" really shouldn't be allowed to have any more. :evil: They obviously knew what they did was wrong or they wouldn't have tried to cover up his injuries... That's not manslaughter that's premeditated murder if you ask me... they knew they could kill that child, and they did.
That's horrible. My parents are foster carers and it breaks my heart when I look at their foster kids & think they never had a chance for a normal life. It's been worse since I became a mum because I would do anything for my son & I think every child deserves that. These poor kids have been born into a world where no one loves them. It's heartbreaking.
Scrap dealer James Craig, 26, and Dookhooha, 25, admitted causing or allowing the death of their son. The prosecution dropped a murder charge.

How do the judges sleep at night? :x
absolutly disgusting. I have tears in my eyes. How can we let children down like this !

it makes me so angery and upset.
once again why was the baby left with them and not taken away after they knew they were drug abusers and the baby had already suffered fractures from an "unknown" cause :wall: :(
well i think we all know that the justice system is pants. the government needs to stop worrying about over crowed prison systems, and show more effort in preventing these crimes happening.

as said, 5years is dispicable. that poor boy didnt have a chance in life. and they will be out in like 3yrs, its stomach churning.

what did the soldiers fight for? for Rape, for abuse, for gbh, for murder.

they will be rolling in there graves if they see what the country is now turning into.

there are so many kids in care in the uk, and why do people adopt from abroad? because it is too hard for people to adopt here. which in the one case, i can see that this is the case to protect children. but it seems less people are adopting in this country now (there was mention about this in the paper recently.)

if the prisons are over crowded: build some more. not rocket science, give harsher sentances, which may prevent people from commiting crimes, and they wouldnt have the problem.

Grrrr rant over

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